Nope, no VPN service anywhere there. You would set up your netgear router as VPN endpoint. You would then configure your Phone to connect to that endpoint. It would be a liason only between your router and whatever device you configure to connect there.
Problems here:
- Windows 10 Mbile does not support OpenVPN. That is, why I wrote earlier to look for IKEv2, as that is the most secure and resilient (connection drops) protocol supported by Windows 10 mobile. And also, it is quite hard to find as supported e.g. on routers. Most do l2tp/ipsec (fine), some do PPTP (do NOT USE!). And that, again, is, why I wrote to use teamviewer.
- you would need a static ip-address - but while writing this I think I remember you mentioning that you have that
Teamviewer does not need a vpn or a port-forwarding, as they are using own servers and protocols, to bridge the gap over your router. It is important, that you set good, long, unique passwords, as always, nothing new here. You can also set up a teamviewer account and add your machines there - for private use it is all free. And seriously, when you are using a handful of machines, nobody will ask.
Seriously and no offense whatsoever, if you are interested in this kind of things, read. There is so many sources. Start at wikipedia