Replying to a mass text responds to EVERY recipient


New member
Jun 2, 2011
Not sure if this has been brought to light or if there is a fix.

Yesterday I received a text message. I responded to it and a few minutes later had multiple foreign numbers texting me asking who I was. Turns out the original text was sent to me and 5 other people, and my reply to that text ended up making it to every person.

This should really be fixed. It could get people in trouble and is just annoying.
I noticed this too. A friend of mine sent me a text inviting me to a party, and when I replied it went to the other 27 people he had sent it to. I think if you turn off group text it fixes it, though I'm not sure

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
Isn't that the point of group texting? If you get a group text and want to just reply to the sender, then tap on the sender's name at the top and just send that person a text. Although it would be nice if a group text from that person would show up in their individual thread.
I'm not sure how it's supposed to work, but it's happened to me. One would think that the default should be reply to the original sender, because it's coming from one sender. Perhaps a prompt should ask whether or not the recipient wants to reply to all?

BTW, those of you that have tried other smartphones, does this happen on other OSs (iOS, Android)?
You will receive whatever text that includes you as a recipient. You will only reply to the original sender, as opposed to the entire group.

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