Review of ASUS FX505DD


Trusted Member Team Leader
Aug 19, 2013
For those that want a peek at everything before I get into my review:

My configuration: Ryzen 5 3550H, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, and the GTX 1050.

My use case: Purchased for school to do my coding classes. I have not played any demanding games on it. I might try and download one just to put it through the grinder, in which cases, I will update my post. As for right now, I am going to review it for those who may be looking for a PC to code with.

Classes taken so far: HTML/CSS, Intro to Java/Program Logic, C#/.Net.

The good:
1. The screen is large enough to watch instructional videos easily. It is also more than large enough for one screen and just barely large enough for a split-screen comfortably. I use a program called Brackets for HTML/CSS. This program allows a live preview for changes made to designing a web page. In this instance, it does feel a little cramped, but not so much that it is unusable.

2. The RAM even at 8 GB is more than enough for what I need, thus far. According to the specs, the RAM is expandable to 2 modules. Something I may consider doing during my winter break.

3. The SSD is fast. The PC boots in about 30 seconds. Programs launch quickly.

4. 3 USB A ports, 2 USB 3.1

5. Price: This PC is about $750. While some may be in shock over that price, this is a pretty good balance, between power, size, and cost. I got mine as an open box at Best Buy, but if I knew then what I know now, I would consider a new in box purchase.

6. CPU: It easily handles .Net projects.

The bad:
1. Battery life. While it isn't terrible, it isn't stellar either. Now, true, this is a 15-inch screen and running .Net might be a bigger toll on the battery than I realize. I am probably averaging 5-6 hours on a charge, depending on what I am doing.

2. USB port placement. All connections are on one side. If they would have had one on the other side it would have been nice.

3. Bulk. This PC weighs over 2 pounds. It doesn't seem like much, but to carry it in a backpack for several minutes, it gets noticed. This point, I was not sure where to put it, either good, bad or ugly. I understand that a larger screen needs a larger battery, otherwise, the battery life would be in the gutter. But the weight is something to consider if you are looking at this machine.

The ugly:
1. The SSD: The size may become an issue. I might swap it out for a 512 GB or 1 TB in the coming weeks.

2. Keyboard layout. This is a full keyboard in the width of the body of the PC. While I use and like the 10 key, I think I would have liked to try a version with the 10 key removed. Once I put my PIN in, I hardly use the 10 key. The reason I would like the 10 key removed is it would allow a little more spacing between the keys. They do feel a little cramped to me.

To be fair:
1. Keyboard: I made some comments about the keyboard layout. This is my first experience with a keyboard like this on a laptop. I have been running Chromebooks for a while, and they usually do not have a 10 key. I have a full keyboard on my desktop, but my keyboard is also wider than my laptop, with plenty of cushion between keys.

2. Battery: As mentioned above, I am used to Chromebooks. They have longer battery life on a smaller batter due to a more slim OS. This should be taken into account in my review. It has been quite some time since I used a full Windows laptop and the last one I had was pretty bad out of the box.

Overall, if you are looking for a good laptop for schoolwork, that is built for above-average use, this would be something to consider. I am quite happy with my purchase, good and bad points considered.

I think that's about it. I will answer any questions you may have. Please quote or mention me, as it will get my attention faster.
The ugly:
1. The SSD: The size may become an issue. I might swap it out for a 512 GB or 1 TB in the coming weeks.

2. Keyboard layout. This is a full keyboard in the width of the body of the PC. While I use and like the 10 key, I think I would have liked to try a version with the 10 key removed. Once I put my PIN in, I hardly use the 10 key. The reason I would like the 10 key removed is it would allow a little more spacing between the keys. They do feel a little cramped to me.

To be fair:
1. Keyboard: I made some comments about the keyboard layout. This is my first experience with a keyboard like this on a laptop. I have been running Chromebooks for a while, and they usually do not have a 10 key. I have a full keyboard on my desktop, but my keyboard is also wider than my laptop, with plenty of cushion between keys.

2. Battery: As mentioned above, I am used to Chromebooks. They have longer battery life on a smaller batter due to a more slim OS. This should be taken into account in my review. It has been quite some time since I used a full Windows laptop and the last one I had was pretty bad out of the box.
, you can clone the ssd to easily transfer your stuff to a new bigger ssd (only don't clone if you already have used a hdd/ssd for a longer time (few years) since it copies temporary files and possible damaged files too). Also maybe the laptop contains an extra hdd/ssd or m2 slot? Like I have an 15 inch Envy and it came with a m2 ssd (small size) and hdd (big size), I replaced the hdd with a Samsung ssd of 1 tb (/sata) since ssd's are cheap nowadays anyway.

Concerning battery life your laptop has a AMD cpu's which is still slightly behind Intel concerning battery life (though the upcoming AMD laptop cpu's are rumored to be much more efficient so that could turn the tables in AMD's favor). On the bright side your laptop has a good igpu, so if battery life is really a problem you could run some programs on the igpu only instead of the gtx 1050 (this should considerable increase your battery life in heavy 3d programs).
It might also be worth it to use Windows Power Plan and set the max % of the cpu while on battery to e.g. 90% to further give a boost to battery (as well as making the device more silent and cooler) while slightly decreasing performance.
you can clone the ssd to easily transfer your stuff to a new bigger ssd

You raise a good point about cloning. I am familiar with cloning drives, and have used Acronis several times. Great software. I was pointing out how small my particular drive is, and some people may not want to go through the hassle of swapping storage devices.

In all honesty, the bad and ugly categories weren't meant to dissuade people from buying this particular laptop. I wanted to have a clear point of view when reviewing this, and those struck me as the worst things about this laptop.

Again, I want te reiterate, that if I knew then what I know now, I would most likely buy this laptop all over again.
You raise a good point about cloning. I am familiar with cloning drives, and have used Acronis several times. Great software. I was pointing out how small my particular drive is, and some people may not want to go through the hassle of swapping storage devices.

In all honesty, the bad and ugly categories weren't meant to dissuade people from buying this particular laptop. I wanted to have a clear point of view when reviewing this, and those struck me as the worst things about this laptop.

Again, I want te reiterate, that if I knew then what I know now, I would most likely buy this laptop all over again.
, yeah I did not want to defend the laptop or such, just to give some general tips :)
Upon cracking open the case, I found that there is an additional slot for a 2.5" drive. Since I have several HDDs laying around, I decided the throw on in there just for some extra space. There is a small metal tray that needs to be removed, and once done, secure the drive, and slide it into place. The whole thing took about 15 minutes.
I bought this product because I felt this is value for money. But touch pad is not working from day 1. MyAsus update notifications keeps coming in and I could not figure out how to disable it. It does not warn you for low battery. Switches off once battery reaches critical level. Even battery back up is poor.
SSD in this is awesome. It boots very fast. I played Ashes cricket, Road Redemption and other games in it. It is working fine.Sound is ok. Overall average quality.
I bought this product because I felt this is value for money. But touch pad is not working from day 1. MyAsus update notifications keeps coming in and I could not figure out how to disable it. It does not warn you for low battery. Switches off once battery reaches critical level. Even battery back up is poor.
SSD in this is awesome. It boots very fast. I played Ashes cricket, Road Redemption and other games in it. It is working fine.Sound is ok. Overall average quality.
, you can add the battery indicator icon to the taskbar and move it to the right so it is always visible on the task bar (Windows also adds a green leaf to the battery icon when in 'battery saver' mode, which is enabled at default when the battery is low).
Concerning 'MyAsus' notifications, maybe can disable them in the Windows Notifications panel (you can find it in the All Settings page).
I have the FX505DY, as far as I'm aware it's just a the GPU that's different as yours has a GTX 1050 and mine has an RX 560X, and I have to agree on the bad points and the SSD being a little small but the laptop is a bit of a beast for gaming though.

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