Well In my opinion I think 1520 Is best right now well for me. Perfect Size,Perfect Camera,Perfect Display and Perfect Design so which phone you think is THE best?
The HTC One (M8) for Windows Phone [say that 10 times fast] is quickly getting a messianic reputation. My theory is that it is new and therefore more exciting. It is also getting some Android users to look at Windows Phone and that is a good thing. Will it be a great performer on the platform and have a long shelf life? Will it get lots of support? Will it sell in huge numbers? Will it spread to multiple carriers internationally? Will it "save the day" and boost WP's standing in mobile? Only time will tell. It is too early for jury votes. All we are hearing at this stage is punditry.
I convinced myself that Nokia Lumia 1520.3 (or 1520 rm-938) is the best Windows Phone for me at this time. I ordered one and am anxiously waiting for it to arrive tomorrow. My reasoning was made partly based on availability and compatibility with my carrier; T-MoUS. Camera, Battery Life, Screen Resolution, Storage + microSD Slot, Chipset. These all played into my decision. Add in that the 930 is $100 a more off contract and there goes my personal vote to the 1520.
I think the 1520 is probably the best all-around Windows Phone available right now and the logical upgrade from a 925 which was the best all around last year at this time. And before any One (M8) boosters try to counter that, please consider availability in the equation. Maybe next quarter the One can score high enough in that category to be a consideration for most users. Right now it is simply a minority option.