The Blu Win HD LTE has an 8MP camera - right?
Try this simple check:
Camera -> settings -> Image size for main camera
Is that hard coded for you at 2MP?
I notice this change occurred with a recent camera (NOT WIF update) and it seems to have hardcoded the resolution to 2MP for all third party camera apps like ProShot as well.
I guess that now is time to permanently revert back to W8 .... :unhappy:
Try this simple check:
Camera -> settings -> Image size for main camera
Is that hard coded for you at 2MP?
I notice this change occurred with a recent camera (NOT WIF update) and it seems to have hardcoded the resolution to 2MP for all third party camera apps like ProShot as well.
I guess that now is time to permanently revert back to W8 .... :unhappy: