Rumoured Cancellation of Andromeda Doesn't Make Sense


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Jun 30, 2017
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I will be the first to admit that this could be just wishful thinking on my part but the rumoured cancellation of Project Andromeda does not make sense to me. A delay I can see happening very easily, but I have a hard time gelling "cancellation" with the information available so far.

Now yes I know all about how the Surface Mini was cancelled days before release. But this was no Surface Mini. Let's face it the Mini was essentially a bit of hardware that was cooked up by the Surface Group in a "mini tablet fever dream". It didn't require changes to anything else and would have just slotted into the existing system with no problems. It was a very easy project to cancel.

Andromeda on the other hand is not just a hardware project. It has required changes to the OS (which we have seen happening) It required changes to software it was rumoured that outside vendors have been working on "Andromeda Friendly" software that makes use of two displays (WhatsApp and others) As a new class of computer it required other OEM's to make investments (Dell Janus?) In short a very large amount of resources have been invested in this project, and many of them from outside Microsoft. So cancellation of this project would be a very sticky, costly (and possibly litigious) affair.

I can however see legitimate reasons for a delay. 1. The OS isn't ready. and 2. The processor isn't ready.

Given this is a "new" form factor I can see that MS would not be willing to do it's usual "ship and then complete" routine on it. If the OS isn't completely ready, it would be a reason to delay. Similarly if the Snapdragon 850 doesn't give the performance that was hoped for, there could well be a reason to hold off until the SD1000 lands.

I don't actually place much credence in the "no usage case for the device" argument. There was no use case for the original Surface (It used to be the punchline of a joke remember?) Similarly I think expectations have gone way too high on this device. If it stops you from having to carry a tablet and a phone then it's a success.

I never felt this would be Microsoft's "iPhone moment" I figured it would be more like Surface Pro 1 again. Similarly I never saw a reason why this form factor could only be pocket sized. I could see creatives jumping at a dual screen surface that replaces a moleskine.

Too many people have committed too many resources to this project for it to be cancelled easily. I can see a delay, but not simply a complete cancellation.


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Aug 15, 2007
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I too find it hard to believe the project was cancelled and, if true, its more a delay. Personally, I don't see myself getting one so my belief isn't based on hoping but more on what the OP stated. It just wouldn't make sense right now after all thats been invested. (my knowledge of whats been invested comes from what I read here and other similar sites). If MS wants to create a new category in computing the logic of "I can't see people wanting it" wouldn't pan out. If its a new category how do people know they wouldn't want it? For example, I was perfectly content on using carbon paper until I saw what NCR paper could do.

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Nov 13, 2013
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I will be the first to admit that this could be just wishful thinking on my part but the rumoured cancellation of Project Andromeda does not make sense to me. A delay I can see happening very easily, but I have a hard time gelling "cancellation" with the information available so far.

Now yes I know all about how the Surface Mini was cancelled days before release. But this was no Surface Mini. Let's face it the Mini was essentially a bit of hardware that was cooked up by the Surface Group in a "mini tablet fever dream". It didn't require changes to anything else and would have just slotted into the existing system with no problems. It was a very easy project to cancel.

Andromeda on the other hand is not just a hardware project. It has required changes to the OS (which we have seen happening) It required changes to software it was rumoured that outside vendors have been working on "Andromeda Friendly" software that makes use of two displays (WhatsApp and others) As a new class of computer it required other OEM's to make investments (Dell Janus?) In short a very large amount of resources have been invested in this project, and many of them from outside Microsoft. So cancellation of this project would be a very sticky, costly (and possibly litigious) affair.

I can however see legitimate reasons for a delay. 1. The OS isn't ready. and 2. The processor isn't ready.

Given this is a "new" form factor I can see that MS would not be willing to do it's usual "ship and then complete" routine on it. If the OS isn't completely ready, it would be a reason to delay. Similarly if the Snapdragon 850 doesn't give the performance that was hoped for, there could well be a reason to hold off until the SD1000 lands.

I don't actually place much credence in the "no usage case for the device" argument. There was no use case for the original Surface (It used to be the punchline of a joke remember?) Similarly I think expectations have gone way too high on this device. If it stops you from having to carry a tablet and a phone then it's a success.

I never felt this would be Microsoft's "iPhone moment" I figured it would be more like Surface Pro 1 again. Similarly I never saw a reason why this form factor could only be pocket sized. I could see creatives jumping at a dual screen surface that replaces a moleskine.

Too many people have committed too many resources to this project for it to be cancelled easily. I can see a delay, but not simply a complete cancellation.

Great post. But this is MS. And this seems to be their new normal, sadly.

The Band, Band 2, Groove and Windows Phone say hi.


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Apr 1, 2012
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Just postponed I'm sure.

I'm with you. I just don't think it's ready from the software side and especially hardware. What I find amusing is some of these posters likening this to any other phone-related product in Microsoft's past. This is a small PC that makes calls and can fold to fit in your pocket.

I'm not sure why people keep thinking it's a phone. Windows 10 Mobile is DEAD in the marketplace without apps and you can fold any W10M-based device until it's a pretzel and it won't change anything.

Happy 4th big guy.


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Jan 27, 2014
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I'm not sure why people keep thinking it's a phone. Windows 10 Mobile is DEAD in the marketplace without apps and you can fold any W10M-based device until it's a pretzel and it won't change anything.

The truth is bitter enough. This just made it unbearable xd


Oct 8, 2013
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I will be the first to admit that this could be just wishful thinking on my part but the rumoured cancellation of Project Andromeda does not make sense to me. A delay I can see happening very easily, but I have a hard time gelling "cancellation" with the information available so far.

Now yes I know all about how the Surface Mini was cancelled days before release. But this was no Surface Mini. Let's face it the Mini was essentially a bit of hardware that was cooked up by the Surface Group in a "mini tablet fever dream". It didn't require changes to anything else and would have just slotted into the existing system with no problems. It was a very easy project to cancel.

Andromeda on the other hand is not just a hardware project. It has required changes to the OS (which we have seen happening) It required changes to software it was rumoured that outside vendors have been working on "Andromeda Friendly" software that makes use of two displays (WhatsApp and others) As a new class of computer it required other OEM's to make investments (Dell Janus?) In short a very large amount of resources have been invested in this project, and many of them from outside Microsoft. So cancellation of this project would be a very sticky, costly (and possibly litigious) affair.

I can however see legitimate reasons for a delay. 1. The OS isn't ready. and 2. The processor isn't ready.

Given this is a "new" form factor I can see that MS would not be willing to do it's usual "ship and then complete" routine on it. If the OS isn't completely ready, it would be a reason to delay. Similarly if the Snapdragon 850 doesn't give the performance that was hoped for, there could well be a reason to hold off until the SD1000 lands.

I don't actually place much credence in the "no usage case for the device" argument. There was no use case for the original Surface (It used to be the punchline of a joke remember?) Similarly I think expectations have gone way too high on this device. If it stops you from having to carry a tablet and a phone then it's a success.

I never felt this would be Microsoft's "iPhone moment" I figured it would be more like Surface Pro 1 again. Similarly I never saw a reason why this form factor could only be pocket sized. I could see creatives jumping at a dual screen surface that replaces a moleskine.

Too many people have committed too many resources to this project for it to be cancelled easily. I can see a delay, but not simply a complete cancellation.



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Nov 14, 2008
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This thing is cancelled. Here is how you know. When has Microsoft ever come out and directly said a live project was cancelled, let alone one that was not even announced? They normally use their corporate speak like no longer in focus, we are not talking about that at this time or the now infamous phrase Retrenched which they threw around liberally while meticulously dismantling W10M. Or they simply stop talking about it altogether and let it die a slow death by silence. The only time you will get a clear statement of when a product will no longer be supported is with their enterprise products which will have a clear EOL date.

The other way to know is to read the information that Microsoft has passed on via "leaks" to the people they trust to pass along information they want communicated. All are saying the same thing, this product is not happening but using the same corporate speak Microsoft uses because that's what they have been officially told but observing how Microsoft operates the message is clear as day. Some sites will try and spin it just so they can get clicks just like they spun the non-death of W10M for years but to any rational person taking all the facts into consideration its clear this device is dead.

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