Samsung CDMA WP ?


New member
Nov 1, 2010
What ever happend to that Samsung CDMA Phone that passed the FCC
about a month and a half ago that was going to Verizon or Sprint ??

I don't understand what the heck is going on with Verizon and Sprint with WP's

I just read an artical about Verizon is going to start recording users web browsing
geo locations and intetnet habits to start pushing adds to them for extra money ..

I think this has to do with Google and Verizon in bed together and in return Verizon
is not going to push anything for Microsoft.
So who is EVIL ?
I think it would be released on Verizon since recent Sprint phones have M or D in front of their model names. I would think Verizon is waiting to release the phone maybe in time for the holiday season or they are waiting to see the success of windows phones at AT&T. If I were you I would think about just switching carriers if you are a WP lover. AT&T is the only carrier that has really shown the strongest support for WP7.
I wish verizon would get something like the focus. That was a nice looking phone and got to love samsung screens. It is a shame they only have 1 wp7 phones. I was seriously considering switching to wp7 but dont like the trophy.
I would suggest switching away from CDMA and on to T-mobile, especially with all the network congestion currently facing the CDMA EvDO networks
I would suggest switching away from CDMA and on to T-mobile, especially with all the network congestion currently facing the CDMA EvDO networks

If you're seriously interested in WP7, the ONLY US carrier to be on right now is AT&T. They have the Focus S, Focus Flash, Titan, and will soon be getting an LTE Lumia 800. Plus their 3G bands are compatible with Europe's, so you can buy pretty much any unlocked GSM phone and just pop in your SIM card.
yeah CDMA is liek 10 year old tech and Most companies dot like making them any more

5 years ago NOKIA said screw bell no more nokia phones cause it was CDMA only and they lost 100$ a phone compare to GSM phones (back int he day )

bell got the HSPA sim card network and nokia was the FIRST phones we had . lol ....

id also suggest to switch away from carriers with CDMA if you can

1. phone selection is nto as good
2. Reception is also not as good.
And verizon had a team at Nokia World when they unveiled the Lumia series so its much likely to be on VZN and probably a world phone with GSM frequencies as well!
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Only real difference between CDMA phones and GSM is the antenna. Get a driver loaded for that antenna and its ready. Am I missing something that makes it so hard to make a CDMA phone from a GSM phone? iPhone has both inside of it and its tiny compared to a Titan or even Lumia 800.
Only real difference between CDMA phones and GSM is the antenna. Get a driver loaded for that antenna and its ready. Am I missing something that makes it so hard to make a CDMA phone from a GSM phone? iPhone has both inside of it and its tiny compared to a Titan or even Lumia 800.

Cdma phones have to be activated by the carrier, even if you put a cdma radio in, Verizon wouldn't activate it.
CDMA bands have better signal penetration inside buildings. The only reason I won't move to AT&T or T-Mo. All my friends with GSM phones have trouble in windowless offices and big department stores.

Sent from my HTC Arrive using Board Express
CDMA bands have better signal penetration inside buildings. The only reason I won't move to AT&T or T-Mo. All my friends with GSM phones have trouble in windowless offices and big department stores.

Sent from my HTC Arrive using Board Express

Buy an Android phone of your choice
Go on XDA and root the phone and install WP7.5
If you're seriously interested in WP7, the ONLY US carrier to be on right now is AT&T. They have the Focus S, Focus Flash, Titan, and will soon be getting an LTE Lumia 800. Plus their 3G bands are compatible with Europe's, so you can buy pretty much any unlocked GSM phone and just pop in your SIM card.

true but at&t has slower data speeds than Tmo, weaker signal, higher prices, stricter data caps...shall I go on?
true but at&t has slower data speeds than Tmo, weaker signal, higher prices, stricter data caps...shall I go on?

AT&T is actually cheaper for me and my wife. We get less minutes than on Tmo, but since AT&T has unlimited to any mobile, we don't need as many minutes since we only call like 50 minutes of landlines a month.
true but at&t has slower data speeds than Tmo, weaker signal, higher prices, stricter data caps...shall I go on?

Cough cough not to mention possibly non-existent within a few months and will end up being AT&T. I don't know what you are going to do then if that deal does go through.

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