Screen doesn't unlock on 1320...

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WPCentral Question

Hi everyone
I have been using my 1320 for one month more or less today but since the beginning I have a very strange - and very annoying - bug happening sometimes. Sometimes, the phone refuses to wake up from sleep mode (and Glance Screen doesn't show up while it should), the power button does nothing and double-tapping neither. I know it's a known bug but my main question is : should I ask for a warranty replacement ? I would say no, because it's undoubtetly a software bug (it happens often when I have an event reminder showing up, or Cortana remind me, at these moments the screen refuses to wake up but if I look at the time it's the time those events should happen, and when i soft reset it, they appear). And I also know it's a software bug because it happens a lot when I'm listening to music, and when I try to wake up the phone, it stops the music few seconds after I press the power button and does nothing til I soft reset it.
So my main question is : what to do ?
I must precise I use the Windows Phone 8.1 Developer Preview so I imagine it could be related but is Microsoft aware of this bug and will they resolve it ? It's pretty horrible, I'm obliged to shut down my phone at night because I know it won't pass it, and when I soft reset it, the battery always lose a little (10% minus than before), the night it goes to 10% while it could be 80% when I locked it before sleeping.
Please help me...
Thank you in advance
Re: Screen doesn't unlonk on 1320...

Well I have a Lumia 1520 with Cortana and 8.1 and don't have that problem. If possible rather then get it repaired try to get a replacement if its under 30 days old. If not then hopefully another 1320 owner will be able to answer.
Re: Screen doesn't unlonk on 1320...

OK so after this message, I had the idea to verify the activation of preview for developers, and actually it was disabled. I got an update, don't know if resolved anything, but I'll keep you aware.
Ok after a few hours of using it's not resolved at all.
When I charge the phone and let it locked for more than three minutes it will block each time.
While listening to music, it seems to work now (but i'm not sure).
When the events and Cortana's "remind me" come it'll block too.
And sometimes I have the "new message" notification sound, the phone blocks and when I reset it I don't have any message actually. Sometimes when it does that (when vibrate is on) it vibrates until I reset.
Strange bug, and known bug (on preview for devs bugs and defects thread it's written), hope it'll be fixed soon. Waiting for the final release to take my decision for warranty.

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