Scrolling is jumpy


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Jul 26, 2014
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Does anyone else have any issues with scrolling? Every once in a while I'll be scrolling on a Web page or in an app and all of a sudden it'll fly past where I'm going like I flicked the screen in the direction very fast. I've tried installing new drivers, recalibrating, making settings more precise for swiping, etc.

I haven't heard anyone else talk about this, so I just wanted to know if anyone else had this issue.

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Apr 8, 2013
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What I have noticed is that the surface pro 2 gets a little whiney when it comes to installing updates. If you are downloading an update, take notice of the scrolling. I think it has something to do with the processor "optimizing" or something. I'm no tech guru-- but I've noticed that from time to time when my surface is updating. Hope that helps!


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Jul 26, 2014
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It happens all the time for me, not when doing updates. I've had it happen when I'm not even on wifi.

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Jun 24, 2013
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I don't think "jumpy" would be the right term. That suggests a choppiness in scrolling.

I've had this problem as well. To hopefully make it clearer, you are swiping your finger upward on the screen to push the page upward (moving downward to read more text). Going in this direction, it can scroll extremely fast. I can jump to the bottom of the page in a split second. It's extremely sensitive. A normal swipe of the screen should go a certain amount but every once in awhile, it goes really fast. It's smooth. It's not a lag issue. In fact, IE is very responsive and overly responsive.

This behavior doesn't happen in the other direction (so you have to swipe a lot to get back to the beginning).

The only way to really control it is to leave the finger on the screen and advance the page a certain amount, then let go of the screen. But it's annoying to do so. I haven't seen a good solution to the problem. I've just learned to live with it.


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Jul 26, 2014
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I don't think "jumpy" would be the right term. That suggests a choppiness in scrolling.

I've had this problem as well. To hopefully make it clearer, you are swiping your finger upward on the screen to push the page upward (moving downward to read more text). Going in this direction, it can scroll extremely fast. I can jump to the bottom of the page in a split second. It's extremely sensitive. A normal swipe of the screen should go a certain amount but every once in awhile, it goes really fast. It's smooth. It's not a lag issue. In fact, IE is very responsive and overly responsive.

This behavior doesn't happen in the other direction (so you have to swipe a lot to get back to the beginning).

The only way to really control it is to leave the finger on the screen and advance the page a certain amount, then let go of the screen. But it's annoying to do so. I haven't seen a good solution to the problem. I've just learned to live with it.

Yes, that's exactly what happens.

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