Sending an SMS always fails


New member
Feb 17, 2014
- My mom has a Lumia 630 with W8.1. And whenever she tries to send an SMS from the Messaging app it always says "Can't Send Message: Try Again"
- And when you click on 'Try Again' it tries to send the message n in the next second the same error shows up.
- You can keep clicking on 'Try Again' but the it just keeps showing a new 'Try Again' error & the message never gets sent.
- The only way to send the message is to type/copy the message you need to send and open a new SMS by clicking on the + sign and typing/pasting the message(and then adding a recipient) and the clicking on Send
- After doing this the message gets sent normally without any error...
- This happens almost 80-90% of the time when sending an SMS and even when there is full network connectivity
- So is there a solution for this? Does anyone else have this problem? This only seems to happen on my mom's phone coz I have a L920 n never had any trouble sending an SMS

[- I don't have any screenshots to post of this so if you cannot understand the question:
its similar to when u try sending an SMS when your phone is in airplane mode or u don't have network]

Thanks to anyone who replies!! :) If any more information is needed then plz let me know! :)
have you performed a soft reset? you could do that by holding together volume down+power key until phone reboots.
Thanks! I think I tried the reset before. But anyway I'll try resetting again and report back soon... :)

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