(Serious) Issues with W10M, can I get some help?


New member
Feb 3, 2016
(Serious) Issues with W10M

I've been using W10M on my 1020 for a while now, currently on build .164.
In the beginning I was really excited, but at the moment I'm getting more and more annoyed about some issues I'm having:

- The keyboard is a downgrade from WP 8.1, since it is slower (especially in Edge) and correcting wrong words or replacing words with emoji's is terrible.
- Where the hell are the tasks from my calendars?!?! I have different calendars with tasks. But I can't see them anywhere on my phone nor can I create new ones. The only tasks or reminders are the ones from Cortana, which won't sync with Outlook on the desktop.
- I'm missing a few folders, which I can't access. To be more precise: The emails from this folders actually show up in my connected inbox. In Outlook though they are in their actual folders. Moreover Outlook on W10M seems to mark them automatically as read, although they aren't.
- I'm receiving a daily newsletter. It is literally impossible to read it on the phone. It is just a standard html mail, but my phone won't download it or show it properly after it was loaded. Even more the downloaded emails aren't cached, so it loads emails over and over again. Although I ticked the box to automatically download whole emails it actually never happens.

This last issue might be connected to my new network provider, which has a bit of a bad network:
- Data usage seems terrible, although I'm a lot logged onto WiFi networks I'm having troubles with my data plan (2GB). There is always this little arrow showing that the phone is using the data network although the WiFi connection is good. I have tried to use the build on function to monitor my data usage, but it doesn't work at all, since my provider told me today that my data is finished, while W10M tells me that I still have 1.6 GB left.

That are just some of the bigger issues I'm experiencing. Does anyone else is experiencing some of these and probably knows a workaround?



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