Short Comparison: Samsung Focus and LG Optimus 7


Nov 29, 2010
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Short Comparison: Focus and LG Optimus 7 (Images Added)

So I've had the LG Optimus 7 for about a week, and the Focus for less then a day, and already the Focus drawbacks are becoming apparent. This isn't an in-depth review, just a few items I've noticed in the first few hours of having a Focus.

First, the phone bodies. The Focus is insanely light, compared to the Optimus which has a nice heft to it that gives me a bit more confidence in it over the Focus. The Optimus also has an aluminum back which has a nice cold feel to it in comparison to the plastic back on the Focus. Also, opening the back of the Optimus is easier as there is a built in release button, compared to the Focus, which just feels awkward trying to get off.

Next, the screens. The Focus has a very nice display with deep blacks, compared to the Optimus that displays blacks in a greyish tone. The Optimus however is significantly brighter then the Focus, which is very apparent on any white screens such as Email. It feels as though the Focus is intentionally dimming the screen when it's all white. The dim white screens are already becoming a bit annoying after having used the Optimus which displays bright white without a problem. Also, images appear to have less contrast on the Focus when compared to the Optimus.

3 Main buttons. This one is pretty much open to personal preference. I prefer the Focus touch buttons over the Optimus push buttons, but it was nice having that area on the Optimus to grip in landscape without jumping menus or returning to the start screen.

I'll be taking a few high-res comparison photos of the two phones side by side later when I get a chance, for those who are curious.

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Mar 5, 2007
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I have the Focus but was considering recommending the Optimus to a few friends who were not comfortable with on screen keyboards. I feel much better making that recommendation after reading the posts here about the Optimus.

Please update when you get pics or have more thoughts on the two phones.


Nov 29, 2010
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Ok, attached are the comparison shots. I've placed the Focus and Optimus 7 beside an older iPhone 3GS for comparison.

In the dark images with 3 phones, the order is LG Optimus 7, Samsung Focus, iPhone 3GS.

In the WP7 phones only it's LG Optimus 7 on the left, and the Samsung Focus on the right.


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Dec 15, 2010
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how about for someone who prefer lowest on brightness setting all the time???
i placed an order through AT&T though , i am out of the states and hopefully it can be unlock to use in ASIA! i love samsung focus really!


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Dec 16, 2010
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you relise that to get the brightness to work properly on the focus all u need to do is go to seting brightness and take off AUTO brightness and it gets MUCh brighter

and im glad the e-mail part DIMS out cause reading 200 words on a BRIGHT white screen KILLS my eyes.

and i love how u think the focus back cover is hard to open , LMAO!!!! stick ur nail in the little slot and pull!! your done LOL . its easyer then the LG for sure!! maybe its soudns easy to me cause i work for a cell company and i open back covers ALL DAY long haha :p

and for the 3 main buttons , i have to admit lol i always accidently hit them and get kicked out of games and stuff , lol
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Nov 29, 2010
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you relise that to get the brightness to work properly on the focus all u need to do is go to seting brightness and take off AUTO brightness and it gets MUCh brighter

and im glad the e-mail part DIMS out cause reading 200 words on a BRIGHT white screen KILLS my eyes.

I've already disabled the auto brightness settings. The phone still has an auto-dim when a certain number of pixels are white to reduce battery usage. It's annoying that this can't be disabled, at least not yet.


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Dec 16, 2010
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I've already disabled the auto brightness settings. The phone still has an auto-dim when a certain number of pixels are white to reduce battery usage. It's annoying that this can't be disabled, at least not yet.

oh i see what u mean now . but seriously im glad it does

1 - is saves battery life ( i go 2 dayz with mine and im a heavy user )

2 - I whont need glasses in 2 weeks ( lol )
but seriously , dont u find it TOOO bright when it doesn?t fade?? when im on the main page just the sides and the background is White ( with out fade ) and holy **** its bright as hell!!!!

comparing it to the HTC surround i had for 3 dayz , evan with the focus`s FADE i still find it brighter or Generally just CLEANER then the other screens ( evan doht he other are supposedly better )


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Dec 8, 2010
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I have had the LG Optimus 7 since released and picked up the Samsung Focus this weekend. The biggest thing for me is memory - I can put a 32GB card in the Focus (and it works well with the Kingston 4 class card.) The screen is way better on the Samsung Focus - it's larger, brighter, and just all around better. Yes the LG Optimus 7 can go straight white and do a pretty good job emulating the Samsung Focus on the opposite but nothing beats the Samsung screen.

The screen on the Samsung is significantly more sensative then the LG Optimus 7.

Performance wise they are both about the same. The text on the focus is cleaner and although the pure whites are dimmed on the Focus I prefer this for reading text. I found the LG got too bright sometimes (and yes - it does light up like a Xmas tree in the night!) The LG is built like a tank but I prefer the weight-savings of the Samsung Focus. All stacked up I am missing some key features on my Focus (MMS) but I still find it the much better phone.

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