Hello there!
I am not exactly a.. nokian or whatever you wish to call it. If I actually do buy this, this will be my first nokia phone! Woo!
I have been an android user ever since I got into the smartphone world. I currently own a samsung galaxy pro (One of the first galaxies, i think they stopped making it xD)
I have a few problems with this phone..
-The internal memory.
-The lock button. (Long story, short.. it doesnt work anymore.)
-The battery. (Hardly lasts 3 hours, 2G internet connection, on lowwww brightness.. I think it is 1365 or something like that)
-The fact that it seriously doesnt always work well.
And the lumia 920 satisfys all my needs, and complains about my current phone.
Note: I am not actually buying the phone rightt NOW, after ten months, if I actually get this score-deal i have with my parent.
I am either in for the 920 or 1020 or just any other android.
Dont get me wrong, androids are fun, but they're starting to get overratted, no care for the hardware anymore, knowing it would sell anyway. And the OS isnt really improving that much, just adding small bits and pieces to imrpess you for the first week. And it gets old after a few months, everyone I know started resetting their phone after like.. 6 months, cause it is starting to be too slow or internal memory problems (like myself)
However, I feel that the 920 is.. Unique, it wont make me bored, and it will always be.. Mine. You know what I mean?
Plus the amazing hardware (Yes, I have held it. Yes, it is heavier than the iPhones and androids out there, but it feels like it wont just.. Slip and fall)
I do have a few questions though..
-How long have you owned the 920? Does it still do the job perfectly?
If i do buy the 920 or 1020 if that matters.. I will be stuck with it for at least two years.
-Is there still battery draining problems? How long does it usually last?
I am a HUGE social networker.. So. Keep that in mind.
-Does it heat up too quickly? Or was it some problem before?
- The app market\store is growing everyday, correct? or does it still feel a little.. Short on apps?
-Would you recommand this?
- Any bad points about this phone?
Thank you so much in advance !
I am not exactly a.. nokian or whatever you wish to call it. If I actually do buy this, this will be my first nokia phone! Woo!
I have been an android user ever since I got into the smartphone world. I currently own a samsung galaxy pro (One of the first galaxies, i think they stopped making it xD)
I have a few problems with this phone..
-The internal memory.
-The lock button. (Long story, short.. it doesnt work anymore.)
-The battery. (Hardly lasts 3 hours, 2G internet connection, on lowwww brightness.. I think it is 1365 or something like that)
-The fact that it seriously doesnt always work well.
And the lumia 920 satisfys all my needs, and complains about my current phone.
Note: I am not actually buying the phone rightt NOW, after ten months, if I actually get this score-deal i have with my parent.
I am either in for the 920 or 1020 or just any other android.
Dont get me wrong, androids are fun, but they're starting to get overratted, no care for the hardware anymore, knowing it would sell anyway. And the OS isnt really improving that much, just adding small bits and pieces to imrpess you for the first week. And it gets old after a few months, everyone I know started resetting their phone after like.. 6 months, cause it is starting to be too slow or internal memory problems (like myself)
However, I feel that the 920 is.. Unique, it wont make me bored, and it will always be.. Mine. You know what I mean?
Plus the amazing hardware (Yes, I have held it. Yes, it is heavier than the iPhones and androids out there, but it feels like it wont just.. Slip and fall)
I do have a few questions though..
-How long have you owned the 920? Does it still do the job perfectly?
If i do buy the 920 or 1020 if that matters.. I will be stuck with it for at least two years.
-Is there still battery draining problems? How long does it usually last?
I am a HUGE social networker.. So. Keep that in mind.
-Does it heat up too quickly? Or was it some problem before?
- The app market\store is growing everyday, correct? or does it still feel a little.. Short on apps?
-Would you recommand this?
- Any bad points about this phone?
Thank you so much in advance !