Should I just wait for 10? - Lumia 830 ATT

Sep 17, 2013
I am seeing that you could flash update 2/denim onto the phone via WRT. Knowing my luck, I might mess up...
Should I just wait for Windows 10 more mobile release to get Lumia camera 5 and such?
I know that I tried to put fast ring on my 1520 and had problems with it from the start. Since replacing my 1520 with a 640XL (which is windows 10 compatible) it's worked pretty much like a charm. With the exception of the occasional reboot, I've been able to use it as my daily driver. My recommendation would be unless you're going to use one of the newer phones, I would wait. I know the 830 is compatible, but there are levels of compatibility. I was using the 520 as my test phone, but it just struggled too much. It's rumored that the 950 and 950XL will be available on ATT around late October or early November. If you've waited this long, what's another few weeks??
I am seeing that you could flash update 2/denim onto the phone via WRT. Knowing my luck, I might mess up...
Should I just wait for Windows 10 more mobile release to get Lumia camera 5 and such?

If you read the background information in my post about the possibility to get full denim and 8.1 update 2 you will see that the answer is not that simple (i see you posted there). Without full denim there may not be a path to final W10M for your ATT L830 (RM-983).

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