Looking for advice. I currently own a HTC 8x and I am know able to upgrade under my current Verizon plan. I need to be on Verizon because of how our contract works with my wife's employer. I really would like to get a phone that is an upgrade from the HTC 8x. It's a great phone but I would like a little more and I really want a Lumia since those phones seem to be "favored" by Microsoft over other brand Windows Phones.
Verizon does carry the 735 but I am not sure if that is necessarily an upgrade from the 8x. Does anyone know or think Verizon might carry a new Windows Mobile Flagship? Or, should I settle for an Android like a Note 5 or LG 4 since many Windows apps are now available on Android?
First off, you shouldn't settle for android. You shouldn't settle for anything
Secondly, if you look at the 735 does that particular phone match your needs as far as screen size, camera, storage(It does have SD card) and what not.
Thirdly, have you checked online at places like EBay, expansys USA, etch... the Lumia Icon, though not sold presently by Verizon is still a good choice(better than HTC and Samsung's anyway) on Verizon.
I also second the above ideas about checking out ATT and or T-Mobile. By switching to a GSM phone you open yourself up to amazing possibilities when it comes to windows phone because you aren't tied solely to one carrier.
If you do go the ATT route, you can get a Lumia 1520 unlocked for $180 on Expansys USA presently. 1520 still is the king of all windows phones and tbh, the new flagships look great but I still think the 1520 can hold its own in many ways as its specs aren't bad still for 2015.
There is also the Lumia 930 unlocked and if you are not someone who needs top of the line there is also Lumia 640 XL(which is the 3rd best windows phone Imo after the 1520 and 930/Icon) and the 640 XL is one of the first devices scheduled to get windows 10.
By going unlocked and unbranded, you definitely have an advantage because choosing a carrier locked phone is hoping they will update your phone and do so in a speedy fashion.