Should you play World of Warcraft in 2018? Here are the pros and cons.

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Dec 17, 2013
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Recently, I started back playing World of Warcraft (WoW) after skipping almost two expansions (and a few years) worth of content. In 2018, is WoW worth it again for new or returning players? Let's take a look.
WoW is a game that is near and dear to my heart. I have played it on and off for almost 13 years, starting out in the original game (referred to as vanilla or classic), all the way up to now, the seventh expansion, dubbed "Legion."
An expansion is an odd way to describe World of Warcraft's huge fully-priced content drops, which contain hundreds, possibly thousands of hours worth of juicy gameplay, dwarfing the definition of "expansion" as we know it in other games (looking at you Destiny 2). Of course, World of Warcraft is funded by a subscription-based model, with well over ten million players paying $15 per month for the right to access the gargantuan open worlds that make up the land of Azeroth and the game's other planets (yes, planets).

Yes, you can travel to those mountains.
World of Warcraft has many imitators (and WoW itself borrowed heavily from other MMOs that preceded it), but few have managed to achieve Blizzard's level of execution. WoW is an action RPG that is responsive, exciting, and quite honestly, somehow gorgeous despite rocking an engine that's more than a decade old. WoW is going from strength to strength, and while the previous two expansions, Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor seemed to contribute in a steep drop off in players, Legion has brought many millions of players flocking back, but why?
I'm going to run through some of my findings both leveling new characters, and indulging in WoW's new end game content after several weeks of non-stop play, and explain why I'm once again fully addicted after years away from Blizzard's flagship title.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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