Someone help please!!


New member
Aug 17, 2011
I have 2 questions. I just bought the WPCentral App hoping i could view and post on the forums but i cant seem to find it. Am I missing it? If there is no way, whats the best way to view and post from the forums.

Next, All of the apps i buy are saved to Zune correct? So if I were to buy a new Windows Phone is the coming months, will my games and apps that I bought transfer to that new phone?

I have 2 questions. I just bought the WPCentral App hoping i could view and post on the forums but i cant seem to find it. Am I missing it? If there is no way, whats the best way to view and post from the forums.

Next, All of the apps i buy are saved to Zune correct? So if I were to buy a new Windows Phone is the coming months, will my games and apps that I bought transfer to that new phone?


To post in forums download "Board Express Pro." The developer for the wpcentral app said maybe that feature will come someday, but not yet.

Yes, your entire purchase history is saved (even if the app is free). There are at least two ways to get back your purchased apps when you get your new phone.
1. Go to the marketplace on your phone and click "Buy" again. It will tell you you've already purchased it and ask if you'd like to re-download it.
2. Go to (sign in if you aren't already)
- On top right you'll see your name and an arrow for a drop down menu
- Select "Account" from that menu
- Scroll down to "App Purchase History" and they'll all have a re-install button next to them.

tip: buy MetroTube before it disappears on Jan 1st.
Just to clarify, you need to register the new phone with the same Live ID as your current phone in order for this to work.

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
Gotcha, thanks. Why is metrotube going away dec 1st? Also what is the best GPS with voice navigation out there?
developer is stopping development and moving on. AS far as voice navigation I would think it going to be Nokia drive! Its one reason I am waiting to upgrade to the 900 in a couple of months I hope!
Gotcha, thanks. Why is metrotube going away dec 1st? Also what is the best GPS with voice navigation out there?

For Metrotube:

"YouTube?s current API does not have any documented methods for obtaining high quality video content. We have been using a workaround to obtain this content and it has recently come to our attention that this may not be sustainable in the long term, hence our decision to stop distributing the apps."

You can read the rest here
Gotcha, thanks. Why is metrotube going away dec 1st? Also what is the best GPS with voice navigation out there?
Nokia Drive is pretty awesome. It's fast and loud. I used it on my Titan and will probably load it on my Focus S tonight. I rarely use the Nav, but I like having it just in case.

Edit: You can sideload the Nokia Drive app after unlocking your phone, developer unlock or through ChevronWP7, which is just like a dev unlock w/o the ability to submit apps to the marketplace.
Nokia Drive is pretty awesome. It's fast and loud. I used it on my Titan and will probably load it on my Focus S tonight. I rarely use the Nav, but I like having it just in case.

Edit: You can sideload the Nokia Drive app after unlocking your phone, developer unlock or through ChevronWP7, which is just like a dev unlock w/o the ability to submit apps to the marketplace.

Do you happen to have a link for the software you could share?
The developer said in the last wpcentral podcast that commenting and posting in the forums will be coming soon.

Sent from my LG-C900B using Board Express
Apps you purchase/download will not automatically transfer to any new device, but they will all be accessible for download. You can have several devices connected to the same WL ID

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
Gotcha, thanks. Why is metrotube going away dec 1st? Also what is the best GPS with voice navigation out there?
I love Navigon. It has offline maps and its performed great since I've gotten it. I just moved to a new area , so I've been using it daily.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
Is it a paid app?

YES... You pay for the app by buying their handset. Nokia invests money in these apps to encourage the purchase of Nokia devices. Nokia pays for the map database, software development, and the recording industry for access to music played by Nokia Music as well.

So taking these apps and putting them on other devices is stealing.
Last edited:
YES... You pay for the app by buying their handset. Nokia invests money in these apps to encourage the purchase of Nokia devices. Nokia pays for the map database, software development, and the recording industry for access to music played by Nokia Music as well.

So taking these apps and putting them on other devices is stealing.
Might be why xda shut down the thread. The report function is actually enough to get our attention. The link was removed ;)

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