Sorry EDGE, but... Firefox Quantum.

So decided to go back to Firefox Beta. Time for Edge to get a comparison WC Crew. It's fast, running half the resources it used to, and looks clean. Chatter of UWP? Anyone got a Mozilla contact?

Jason, I asked for you here. Not sure if it's the right place because support options for Firefox are quite vague. However, you may want to sign up yourself and add your thoughts on this as well.
Thanks for the plug on that, need to reset the password on my Mozilla account and add that to the list. If they would kick it over to UWP I would have it installed already in Beta form on my 950 XL.
Just tried this Firefox beta on my tablet. Wow! Fast! Loving it. Since I'm using Firefox on my Android phone, this just made my life a lot easier on my tablet with syncing. I refuse to use Edge on Android because it will never support extensions, so no ad blocking there for me and no Enpass integration.

I've just switched my default browser. Thanks for the tip!

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