Start screen not working

Hi buddy, I am having the same issue. I can help you to get the setting modern app to work (so you can get update), but I can't get the start screen to work.

I assume, now you open any modern app, it'll just show the splashscreen. Now, you just need to follow the steps below to get the modern app to work.

1) open Setting (modern app) through search bar.

2) once it's opened and showing the splashscreen, click task view and add new desktop.

3) Then, click into the new desktop. Wait for about 5 secs.

4) Click task view again, and go back to your previous desktop (the one with your setting app opened).

5) Voila!!! the setting app is working now, you can go in and check for update, schedule update and choose the update speed.

Hopefully, they will fix this issue in the next build.

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