Strange Boot Loop


New member
Aug 9, 2011
My 8XT seems to have the worst of luck. Recently I posted a thread about how it was completely out of space, and thus the phone wouldn't allow me to open anything. I finally gave it a hard reset a little over a week ago, and things worked fine after that, until an hour ago.

Out of nowhere, my phone rebooted. I noticed the phone taking an unusually long time starting back up, flashing the usual black screen, HTC white screen, and black Sprint screen, but these screens were displayed much longer than usual. Finally it brought me to my start screen, but the brightness was all the way up, the battery was down to zero (and flashing that it was plugged in, despite this not being the case), and Airplane Mode was on. My phone wouldn't respond to my touch, and it rebooted a few moments after the screen shut off. I tried plugging it into my Surface. The battery light wasn't going off, but Explorer opened up displaying storage info for the phone but not my SD card. During one reboot cycle, it started up normally. Battery was accurate, and the phone actually responded to touch, and both the phone and SD card storage info popped up in Explorer. It was short lived, however, and my phone rebooted again, resulting in the usual airplane mode, no response, reboot-anyway cycle.

I've been Googling the problem, and have even tried to hard reset the phone (again) when I induced the Exclamation Mark screen during startup. Three dozen reboots later and I'm at a complete loss as what to do. If I can't do a hard reset, what should I attempt next?
Oh I remember those days, no WiFi unless I was plugged in. Ever since 8.1 was officially released in December from Sprint, that problem has been taken care of. This is new and has come out of nowhere.
The link I posted has a few more tricks, maybe one of them might work? :)
Did you try to get the SD and SIM CARD out. Sometimes these can also cause reboots.
Well I'll be darned, that simply did the trick. Ven07, I admit I saw the first few replies in your link were concerning the WiFi bug so I was scrolling through the rest fairly quickly, but went back and saw that there were replies saying to take the SIM card out. Tried that, but it was still stuck in the cycle, but with Harrie-S's suggestion, I took out the SD card as well and lo and behold, that's all I needed.

The phone rebooted one last time, but started up normally (the usual screens flashed at a faster rate, like they normally do). Put the cards back in and everything seems to be fine.

That was a worrying two hours, but I thank you both for your replies. I never think about the SD card causing issues like this, but should this happen again I'll know what to do.

Thank you!
That was a worrying two hours, but I thank you both for your replies. I never think about the SD card causing issues like this, but should this happen again I'll know what to do

Sometimes we do actually provide answers within 5 minutes :P
Oh your replies were plenty quick, I meant a worrying two hours from since the reboot cycle began is all.

I appreciate how quickly you replied, you saved me a lot *more* time that would have been spent worrying even more!
And now even before you ask. :-)
Place your SD card in the card reader from your computer and check on errors so you may save your data. (or do you still have a "copy" from your last hard reset) But better is to buy a new SD card. Get a class 10 from a good brand.
It seems to be fine now. I backup regularly, and 99% of my SD card data is just music and apps, but if this happens again I'll invest in a new card (plus I'll know what to do!).

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