in attempt to grab attention to this from as many wm users as possible I've posted this at mobilitysite and so anyway ive noticed this from a few companies so i thought i would bring it up now, especially since the beejive im review for iPhone article doesnt have the comment board for it enabled so ill post my comment about it and more in a thread anyway, why the h*** would a software developer stop developing an IM program that could have such potential and leaving it buggy to the point that its nearly unusable (i cant even login without it crashing)this is what they did to the windows mobile version and i think its really unfair all the while the iPhone version is nice and complete and stable, how dare they do this?desgraciados!! and yeah ive already sent them an email with my piece of mind, ive also noticed this with vonage there is an iPhone and bb app fro it but no winmo version, im sick of these software developers leaving winmo out in the dust it is so unprofessional,luckly for wm phones skype is better and cheaper than vonage so this isnt an issue. any thoughts?