such unprofessionalism


New member
Dec 1, 2009
in attempt to grab attention to this from as many wm users as possible I've posted this at mobilitysite and so anyway ive noticed this from a few companies so i thought i would bring it up now, especially since the beejive im review for iPhone article doesnt have the comment board for it enabled so ill post my comment about it and more in a thread anyway, why the h*** would a software developer stop developing an IM program that could have such potential and leaving it buggy to the point that its nearly unusable (i cant even login without it crashing)this is what they did to the windows mobile version and i think its really unfair all the while the iPhone version is nice and complete and stable, how dare they do this?desgraciados!! and yeah ive already sent them an email with my piece of mind, ive also noticed this with vonage there is an iPhone and bb app fro it but no winmo version, im sick of these software developers leaving winmo out in the dust it is so unprofessional,luckly for wm phones skype is better and cheaper than vonage so this isnt an issue. any thoughts?
yea its free. the point is they should support all platforms rather than just cater to one tech bloggers do the same thing when they review other phones they intentionally declare whatever phone they review to be inferior to the iPhone even though that phone is more powerful than the iPhone in terms of specs. ironically enough microsoft released bing for the iPhone and that's their biggest opponent
Why should they support all platforms? If they feel their best interests, marketability, and success lies with one platform over another, why straddle yourself with another platform?

It's done all the time not only with phone platforms but other electronics. Why is one game designed for Xbox and not the PS3? It's done probably for economics and marketing.
then if that's the case there shouldn't be any reason why the same free app is available on one platform and not another that also isn't fair and game development doesn't require the same resources as software development and people are also likely to have at least one of the supported platforms versus with phones where most people have and only carry one so its not the same
then if that's the case there shouldn't be any reason why the same free app is available on one platform and not another that also isn't fair and game development doesn't require the same resources as software development and people are also likely to have at least one of the supported platforms versus with phones where most people have and only carry one so its not the same

There is a reason. Each mobile device platform is different - in other words, you can't write an app, push a button and get a program that works in WM and IPhone and RIM and Android. There is no such thing as "porting" an app from iPhone to Windows Mobile. Its a complete re-write. Each one is a separate product, requiring resources to develop (which means spending lots of money). Can we all agree it would be irresponsible for a business to spend money developing a product knowing up front there will be no ROI?

These software developers are typically small groups, often a talented programmer or two, and some support / marketing/ technical help, not a multi-million 300 employee company that can afford to take a loss in one platform to insure they capture the market in the others.

Don (not affiliated with Beejive in any way, just a customer) urself the frustration. The great thing about Windows mobile is that there is almost ALWAYS a free solution to accomplish what you need. Palringo is a pretty good IM app, free, and continually developed & improved. AIM has a free IM app that works pretty good too. As a Sprint customer, every WM phone I've bought in recent memory has the OZ instant messenger included. While not perfect, it still gets the job done.
I'm actually more pissed that Torch Mobile stopped developing the Iris Browser (which was on th everge of being GREAT). But RIM bought them...them be the breaks...
and that's the only reason, I think MS should buy out some software developing companies too, especially the ones that aren't creating apps for WM they are well within their financial ability to do so.
but MS is doing that. They aren't as agressive (or horn-trumpeting about it) as Apple or RIM, but they created the business model that Apple has practically ran away with the last 3 years.
I'm actually more pissed that Torch Mobile stopped developing the Iris Browser (which was on th everge of being GREAT). But RIM bought them...them be the breaks...

It makes sense for RIM, too. One of the commonly discussed weaknesses of the Blackberry has been the browsing experience Having a WM Iris Browser continually in development would put them even further behind. Instead they get the browser & the developers, plus halt WM development right in it's tracks. Big win for RIM.
they actually needed a company to help them with the browser, the IEM in the final build of wm6.1 and 6.5 are actually really good,and they support flash,too bad i dont have any of them so im stuck with opera mobile 10 or skyfire (could be 10000000x better if it supported tabs)

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