Suddenly, very loooooong resuming after waking up phone...


New member
Oct 20, 2014
Phone worked flawlessly until a few days ago. Now it takes a few seconds for the screen to resume when waking up the phone.

Checked everything.

Backup, apps working in the background, etc. Is this something others face as well maybe because of a substandard app update, or what could it be?
If you uninstalled live lock screen or tetra lock screen, try cutting on kids corner. The apps somehow are still in memory causing a delay. It will ask you to turn it off when you do.
This happen to me whenever I leave an app on the foreground when I lock the screen. You could try going to the start screen first before you lock the screen.
Have no microSD card and regularly stop all apps by tapping bottom left arrow and then closing windows.

Is there a way to find out an app is stuck and working in the background?
This happen to me whenever I leave an app on the foreground when I lock the screen. You could try going to the start screen first before you lock the screen.

Same .....resuming..... with or without app or start screen on foreground.
What's suddenly taking forever is opening a post from the People Hub. Used to be pretty quick. Pretty sure the last Twitter update did it, as after the update you can no longer open an individual tweet within the People Hub. It instead opens the Twitter app. Very annoying.
I have not had a long resuming for a while after waking up the phone. Try to wake up the phone just now and it fast.
Would you have the Tetra Lockscreen app installed before?

If so, I might know the cause of your resuming...
Happened to me after updating Windows insider app this morning. Tried switching kids corner on and it told me that I have lockscreen app activated even tough I don't. Anyway, kids corner trick done the job for me. It seems that problem is somehow related to Windows insider app after yesterday update. I am using 930.
Actually had Tetra installed for about one minute, but many weeks ago... If that's the problem, how to solve it?!
Tetra makes the phone waking up slow but I have had the loooong resuming problem with almost all the apps on my 925.
Well with the Tetra app you have a unregistered button so even if you had it and then uninstalled it the issue of the long resuming stays there. You need to reinstall, then unregister the app and then uninstall. Anyway that was my issue now my phone is back to normal.
TruPlaya, for the moment that did the trick! Phone's snappy again! Thank you so much! Hope it lasts!!
It's pretty normal.
Happens very often.

Freezing and random reboot is also common in WP.

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