Suggestions for Moving from Sprint to ATT and Titan and getting affordable plan


New member
Jul 12, 2006

I've been a Sprint customer for years and have generally been happy with the service. I have been very happy with my unlimited smartphone data and 25% plan discount, too. I am willing to consider trying ATT, but unlike Sprint, I don't know the "ins and outs" of ATT, and what (if any) less-known tips and tricks exist to get better than the advertised plans.

While I'm generally happy with my Sprint plan and service, I am not, happy with the Sprint phone lineup, and with their late entry into the LTE market.

Currently I have an HTC EVO 4G and like it, although I'm ready for something new. I have no interest in the iPhone which Sprint seems so keen on pushing. And, I don't want to get the Epic Touch, which is a nice phone, but is still WiMax and not worth a commitment for me.

I was a long-time PPC/WM user, and have transitioned happily to Android, but am curious about WP and the Titan in particular.

Anyone have any suggestions of how to get a affordable plan with ATT, with lots of data? Minutes are less important. 500 should suffice, but any way to get more for less would be good, too. ;)

Thanks for reading and for any suggestions you might have.

-- Andrew
I love att. The 2gb plan isn't so bad if you have home WiFi. Even using mine without wifi for a month i only had to be careful the last week of m billing cycle. Truth is though; if you go over its not some crazy steep fee, its only $10.
Also, it looks like att will be leading the way with Windows Phone this year :)

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I am in a similar situation. Been with sprint for 12 years. Love my unlimited plan. Its going from that to something lesser and have to worry about going over my limit and having to pay some fees. I'm giving Sprint 6mo-1yr to step up their game. LTE is not that big a deal for me. I can wait on that but its hard to watch other's ATT-Tmo get nice windows phones. I am currently using the HTC Arrive and like it a lot but I dont love it.

I've been a Sprint customer for years and have generally been happy with the service. I have been very happy with my unlimited smartphone data and 25% plan discount, too. I am willing to consider trying ATT, but unlike Sprint, I don't know the "ins and outs" of ATT, and what (if any) less-known tips and tricks exist to get better than the advertised plans.

While I'm generally happy with my Sprint plan and service, I am not, happy with the Sprint phone lineup, and with their late entry into the LTE market.

Anyone have any suggestions of how to get a affordable plan with ATT, with lots of data? Minutes are less important. 500 should suffice, but any way to get more for less would be good, too. ;)

There are a couple of things I would advise you to check out before switching--

--Will ATT work where you currently use your Sprint service? Obvious, silly question, I know, but Sprint will not work at my house--across the street, yes, but I would have to forward my Sprint work phone to my personal ATT phone at night...anyway, you get my point.

--You mention a 25% discount at Sprint, check to see what if/any discount you would get at ATT, that may affect your monthly numbers.

--If possible, check your data current data usage, because ATT does not have an Unlimited Plan anymore...there are only 2 plans and there are overages for those that choose incorrectly.

I was in a ATT store this week checking to see if it would be more beneficial to bring my future son-in-law into my plan, or finally kick my daughter off and let them get one on their own, and lo and behold, with what I am grandfathered in with vs the current offerings, the rep and I discovered that it would be cheaper to bring another line onto my account by $30-50 per month...

There are other little things to consider, but those are a jumping off point...hope it helps.
Thanks, everyone, for your replies. This was the type of input I was hoping to get.

Anyone else want to add anything, please do. I appreciate it.

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