The weekend is the perfect time to save money and get some stuff you need. Many of these deals have dropped to prices so low we haven't seen them before.
[h=2]Love that 4K[/h][h=3]Roku Ultra 4K HDR streaming media player[/h]
This is the first time since last year the Roku Ultra has dropped below $80, and it normally sells for around $90. We don't see a lot of opportunities to save on Roku's most expensive devices, so you'll definitely want to take advantage of this sale.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
[h=2]Love that 4K[/h][h=3]Roku Ultra 4K HDR streaming media player[/h]
This is the first time since last year the Roku Ultra has dropped below $80, and it normally sells for around $90. We don't see a lot of opportunities to save on Roku's most expensive devices, so you'll definitely want to take advantage of this sale.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...