When it comes to Microsoft?s Surface platform, individual consumers are but one demographic of the all-in-one device, but Redmond has a long history of dealing with enterprise and schools as well. Indeed, the Surface Pro 3 seems even more poised to be the perfect enterprise device for companies to distribute to employees.
In the Microsoft Store, we recently came across the availability of ?charging carts? for the Surface series. These carts can store and charge from 32 to 36 Surface and Surface Pro devices (even with cases). There are currently two versions of the carts, running between $1499 and $2199 and can be purchased direct or through Microsoft.
We spoke with the company behind the carts, Anthro (www.anthro.com), based out of Tualatin,*Oregon. They?ve been making what they call ?technology furniture? since 1984 including standup desks, which myself and Kevin Michaluk use daily for our Mobile Nations work.
Full story from the WPCentral blog...