Surface Go or Lenovo Yoga Book?


New member
Nov 3, 2018
I'm searching for a secondary device to have in the bag all day - my primary one is a PC so mobility is 0. Besides standard internet exploring, youtube, document editig I will be programming (Python) and drawing (probably Krita so I won't butcher the device with Photoshop). And maybe sometimes few not so demandig games (old Civilisation, Heroes V, Age of Empires etc). And I think the drawing part is a game changer for me. Also it will be my first Windows tablet.

I was strongly set on Yoga Book (the first one from 2016) for some time as it's been way cheaper than Surface Go but now there's "refreshed" version (128GB instead of 64, LTE) which cost almost exactly the same as Go for unused one.

What I think about Yoga:
- Design - screen and keyboard combo
- Lightness and stability
- Awesome battery life
- Everything is here from start - so for the price of the device I have also keyboard and stylus

- It's old. That's 2016 device for the price of current ones.
- I heard that using the stylus is possible only on the halo board surface - so no sweet drawing directly on screen
- It will probably underperform at some point with 4GB RAM

What I think about Go:
- All way better specs than Yoga (I will be getting the 8GB one)
- Drawing on the screen!
- Probably better longevity

- It's like an EA game. You get the device and then if you want to use it properly you have to buy pricey DLCs (Keyboard and Stylus) :v
- If I go with Go probably I will be getting a different pen and for the keyboard, I will have to wait.
- I have read and watch VERY mixed opinions about this device

I'd really appreciate thoughts anyone has and any advice. It would really help me make my choice.

Scienceguy Labs

Active member
Jun 13, 2012
I just bought a Go, plus keyboard, and pen last month. I also have the original Yogabook. When I first got the Lenovo back when it came out, I loved it. It was a really cool device. But typing on that thing using the halo keyboard was really awkward. I never got good at it, and mostly just pecked at it with one finger when I typed. It quickly became a Netflix device. I enjoyed the pen, but never used the notebook paper feature for whatever reason. I don't know about the new version, but you could use the pen directly on the screen of the original. I run Krita on it as well. The pen is really nice to use. Battery life for me is so so...similar to the Go. The 4Gb of ram does get bogged down at times. It's definitely not the speediest pc, but it's very useable. If you're going to be typing, though, I can't suggest the Yogabook, even though it's a really nice device. One issue I always have had with my Yogabook is with the wifi driver. When woken from sleep, sometimes (more than I'd like), my wifi goes out. Only a reboot will fix it.

Now, the Go. The pen is really amazing. It's the best writing/drawing pc experience I've had. Highly suggest the keyboard, especially if you plan on programming. The build quality is very good. USB C is nice, but you'll need to buy adapters if you plan on hooking up your old jump drives, etc. I too got the 8Gb model, and I'm glad I did. It's a very speedy tablet. Battery life is good. I have to charge it every night, though, after moderate use throughout the day checking emails, browsing the web, and media consumption. I also keep my screen brightness set to high. So, there are things that I could do to improve battery life.

To sum up:
Yogabook - very lightweight and portable, great drawing experience, well built, wifi driver issue at times, pen is included
Go - portable, but heavier than the Yogabook, outstanding pen experience, very well built, accessories are expensive and sold separately (but must be had if you want the total experience)

Just my thoughts. Hope they help some.


New member
Nov 13, 2013
I only have a Surface Pro 2, but I still really like it for what it is. As for the choice, I would pick the Surface Go. Like with Windows Phone devices, even when the Surface has low specs (or lower than the competition) the performance you get is still very good.


Mod Emeritus
Mar 1, 2011
I own both the Go (8GB) and Yoga Book and I say Go all the way. The Halo keyboard and note taking abilities of the Yoga Book are nice, but the device is built around note taking/sketching. So you're kind of losing out by not taking advantage of those features. The Go is just a better, more versatile device. I use it for work and home.

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