Surface Pro 3 already at some Microsoft Stores, thoughts


Nov 29, 2010
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I went down to the Microsoft Kiosk at the Eaton Centre in Toronto to see if they had their Pro 3s on display. They had 3 display units, all running i5s naturally. After having handled one, I have to say, I really want it. It's screen is stunning. It's amazingly light, and about as thin as a Surface 2. The silver backing looks great, and the kick-stand feels amazing to adjust. You get a sense of confidence that it's not going to move unless you want it to.

I ended up pre-ordering an i5 with 4GB of ram and a type-cover. Looking forward to the 20th.


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Jan 10, 2012
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I really need them to release a magenta Type Cover 3 for my girl. I showed the Surface 3 to her and her first words were "Can I get the Pink Cover this time instead of black?" Uggghhh! Come on Microsoft.


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Apr 6, 2014
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I'll be heading over to my local MS store in the hopes its there today. I have one on pre-order and handling one will definitely help in finalizing my decision.


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Sep 18, 2013
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I'll be heading to the MS Store as soon as I get off work.

The two main things I want to check out are the keyboard experience and the tablet weight when used in portrait mode.

I'm kind of excited. :)

Fred Mertz

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May 29, 2014
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I'm going in a few hours. Gonna see if I can grab all the demos off the floor and hide them in my cargo pants and see if I can walk out unnoticed. :devil:


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Apr 6, 2014
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The two main things I want to check out are the keyboard experience and the tablet weight when used in portrait mode.

One reviewer remarked at how the new positioned home (start?) button on the tablet made for accidental touches when using the tablet in landscape mode and using the pen. That's a bit disconcerting but not a show stopper. I'll want to see how that works for me.


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Apr 6, 2014
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I had to run into my local REI for some running shorts and since it's next door to BestBuy I popped in there - no luck. They have them, they're just not putting them out - so says the salesman.


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Sep 5, 2013
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One reviewer remarked at how the new positioned home (start?) button on the tablet made for accidental touches when using the tablet in landscape mode and using the pen. That's a bit disconcerting but not a show stopper. I'll want to see how that works for me.

Yeah this is a little concerning but according to that reviewer (Penny Arcade) MS has been really open to constructive criticism and is already working on a solution for this issue. I'm really impressed by how MS is listening to consumers recently, not just with their Surface line but with the Xbox One especially.


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Jun 29, 2011
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Last night I had some time with the SP3.

HOLY S***BALLS! It's light, and thin - fanatastic. The thing that really highlighted it for me was the kickstand. I do a lot of Photoshop work on my SP2, and being able to fold the stand to the max position is ideal for pen work. I put some weight into the stand like I'm brushing on a photo, and it felt solid. The larger screen is definitely welcome, and the pen feels nice - similar to the Wacom Bamboo pen. The only thing that disappointed me was that there isn't a touch cover available for it. The Touch Cover on my SP2 isn't that great for typing, but in a pinch it works. For me, it was about keeping it as slim as possible.

That was enough for me. I have placed my order for the i5 128, although I may end up getting the 256 since the Surface Pro has become my primary computer.


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Sep 17, 2011
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My friend went down and played with it yesterday, suffice to say I was EXTREMELY jealous. I have mine already preordered... but man I just want to play around with it. She didnt intend on getting anything but playing with it and using it made her pre-order it. I mean it was very obvious to me that this device was the one I've been waiting for and I immediately had to have it. two more weeks!


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May 22, 2014
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I tried one today. Very nice. It is thin and light, but I wouldn't want to hold it in one hand for extended periods. The trackpad is a huge improvement, very slick. The pen is nice, every bit as good as the Wacom for what I do. The screen is gorgeous.

It is a big screen. Perfect for work, movies and web, but not something a woman could stick in her purse. I'm excited to get mine.


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May 4, 2012
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Wow, the thing is huge compared to the Surface RT/Pro2. But light weight.

I played with the pen in OneNote, as I've never played with a pen before. Man, my handwriting is horrible. But I was amazed at how many words it actually recognized. I was really amazed at how quick the 'inking' was, and the minimal parallax from the pen tip to the screen.

I really, really like the kickstand. I could really see how it would work well it with sitting on the couch and getting it in the right position. Unlike what I have to put up with my RT.

The main things I could pick on, is the keyboard. It still needs to be a bit stiffer. When it's in the inclined position, and typing it still bounces a bit, When it's flat on a hard surface, it's great.

As for the hitting the start button on the bezel when using the pen. Just rotate the whole thing so the button is at the top. But I did run into a slight problem of my palm starting other programs when in desktop mode and the taskbar. The MS sales guy and I just looked and at the same moment realized the fix. Unlock the taskbar and move it to the top or to the left side of the screen. Did that, and all was good.


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Sep 18, 2011
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I just went. im not impressed. it still looks small, the pen was alright. I didn't get to test it on other apps, but it was superb on OneNote. However, the lightness of it and its thinness was impressive. Software wise, I think it just felt boring because it wasn't my metro desktop, but hopefully that will change once I get my own. I pre-ordered on the spot.


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Mar 24, 2012
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My friend went down and played with it yesterday, suffice to say I was EXTREMELY jealous. I have mine already preordered... but man I just want to play around with it. She didnt intend on getting anything but playing with it and using it made her pre-order it. I mean it was very obvious to me that this device was the one I've been waiting for and I immediately had to have it. two more weeks!

What model did she get?

I got the 128GB :)


Jun 25, 2007
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They had it in the Charlotte Microsoft kiosk. It's exactly the size of a spiral notebook which makes it not weird lugging around. Still taken a back by the size though. I'll more of a tablet guy so would have loved for them to have kept it at the surface 2 size.

Christopher Ortiz

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Mar 20, 2013
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I saw it earlier today after work... and damn awesome piece of hardware. I can't wait till the 20th . It was so light to hold, and so very thin, I was in awe.


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Sep 18, 2013
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Checked it out a few hours ago. It's a beautiful piece of hardware. It was light, but I did think it would be lighter. For my uses though, it works and will replace my tablet and laptop.

Just preordered one. Not so patiently waiting for the 20th. :)


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Dec 14, 2012
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I went down to the Microsoft Kiosk at the Eaton Centre in Toronto to see if they had their Pro 3s on display. They had 3 display units, all running i5s naturally. After having handled one, I have to say, I really want it. It's screen is stunning. It's amazingly light, and about as thin as a Surface 2. The silver backing looks great, and the kick-stand feels amazing to adjust. You get a sense of confidence that it's not going to move unless you want it to.

I ended up pre-ordering an i5 with 4GB of ram and a type-cover. Looking forward to the 20th.

You thick is it? Did it feel pretty heavy? Also was heating an issue?

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