switch to other platform after seeing Win10

wasim sallam

New member
Sep 18, 2013
Hi all,
I think we all saw the Windows 10 even, or at least saw the feature we will get in windows 10 (PC, Tablets, Phones,,,)
recently there were some posts talking about switching to other platforms.
actually I never think of switching specially after use an Android tablet for sometime.
I really want to know your opinions and if you still want to switch, or will you back to Windows when Win10 will come out.
also if you never try window phone and see about windows 10 will you switch or try it?
can't wait to find out your opinions
At the moment Win10 is a bit of a mess in terms of look and design but that's to be expected. The Start screen for example retains the start menu list at the left hand side of the screen and fails to show your chosen background behind the tiles. Swiping down for menus now gives you a task bar even when full screen instead of the in-app options and you have to click on settings >show app options to get at these in-app settings, everything involves extra taps/clicks to get anywhere. But that's the point of a preview so we can feedback. At the moment the UI is very poor in look compared to 8.1 but you cant judge the finished product on the current still very early version. It will improve, so talk of switching is imho far far too premature. If there's things you don't like feed it back MS are listening
I am glad to try out windows 10 for my Lumia (even in its preview form). But there is no way I switch back to google products after all that horrible war I have endured and seen. And apple was never my thing.

Personally, I am willing to give up some of the wp8.1 beauty for more functionality. But still we don't even know what w10 UI for wp will look at the end, so I believe its overeating to say I am leaving or it ugly I can stand its looks where is that modern UI. Things change and evolve. Don't like something say it, wait if it changes, if it doesn't leave, life is too short.

About pc I definitely want w10 but ill wait for the official product.
I am glad to try out windows 10 for my Lumia (even in its preview form). But there is no way I switch back to google products after all that horrible war I have endured and seen. And apple was never my thing.

Personally, I am willing to give up some of the wp8.1 beauty for more functionality. But still we don't even know what w10 UI for wp will look at the end, so I believe its overeating to say I am leaving or it ugly I can stand its looks where is that modern UI. Things change and evolve. Don't like something say it, wait if it changes, if it doesn't leave, life is too short.

About pc I definitely want w10 but ill wait for the official product.

Absolutely correct dude
I am looking forward to windows 10 for mobile. I see it as an update to windows phone 8.1.

The first time I saw a demo of windows 10 a while back, it was clear to me that windows 10 wants to make a good impression and come back strong in business. Little was spoken about windows 10 for consumers. After this week's briefing, the sentiment has thawed a bit. I still see to much changes towards the desktop experience though. I chose windows 8.1 and a surface pro back at the beginning of windows 8, because I fell for the modern UI and the start screen with apps. For me with my work, education and personal use, the new UI was perfect. I loved the change to touch. It has my my life easier and more productive with apps. The only time I really needed the the desktop was for office and video editing. If microsoft could integrate those as apps in the modern UI and phase out the desktop I'm sold. So I still have strong feelings to skip windows 10 for the hybrid and dekstop all togeter, and wait for windows 11, or what;s come after this. I have not see enough improvements on the touch and stylus side of the OS to go for windows 10. And microsoft did say earlier in their roadmap that the goal of windows 10 was to refocus a bit on business and getting back to the desktop. I am considering to try out the technical preview on a different device than my surface pro, to hopefully steer windows 10 to a better direction. Who knows it might still win me over if microsoft listens enough. Time will tell.
Actually some of my friends decide to wait to the final release of windows 10.
the most interesting thing was the integration between the PCs and Phone., (like Action Center and Universal apps).
I also can't wait to update and try windows 10 for phones

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