T-Mobile WiFi Calling Issues


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I have had my Lumia 925 with T-Mobile now for a few weeks and have some major issues with the WiFi calling.

Since I am downstairs in the building that I work at there is no cell service for any Carriers. When making the switch to T-Mobile I learned that there would be WiFi calling on my Lumia 925 and I was so happy that I would be able to get messages or calls on my phone while at work (since I am their 8-9 hours a day).

That happiness is slowly diminishing as I am having major issues with the the WiFi calling on my Lumia 925. Half the time it doesn't work and sends a message back when I try to text that it was unable to send the message. Right now my major issue is that well......the WiFi calling does not work at all.

I checked my WiFi connection and I am connected with the WiFi at my work, I have the wifi calling on and it is just not working. The WiFi calling Icon did turn red once and said DNS error. I have tried turning off the WiFi, restarting my phone and trying again but nothing seems to work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
WiFi calling hasn't worked for me either. Luckily I have service wherever I am, but it is quite frustrating.
WiFi calling hasn't worked for me either. Luckily I have service wherever I am, but it is quite frustrating.

I think I will make a trip into the T-Mobile Store today after work to find out what I can do. I cannot seem to find an answer on online anywhere that solves the problem, but I did notice that other 925 users posted about having the same issues.
I think I will make a trip into the T-Mobile Store today after work to find out what I can do. I cannot seem to find an answer on online anywhere that solves the problem, but I did notice that other 925 users posted about having the same issues.

Okay, so problem solved. I just tried checking my Facebook on the phone and a few other apps and they are not updating. My phone says connected to WiFi but it is not working.

I asked a Co-Worker down the hall and they said...yep, the WiFi on my phone is not working either. Apparently our IT department has been working on it most of the day and we were not notified. Glad it's not the phone. :-)
Probably not the solution in your case, but if your work uses a proxy server, wifi calling will not work across it. Easy way to tell, go into your internet explorer settings (if you're not admin locked) and see what proxy settings are under the connections tab.

Your work may also block the ports that the wifi calling uses to connect. Some places only allow standard "internet" ports for webpages, even if your network appears unblocked in all other fashions.
Another thing to realize is that WiFi calling only sends/receives SMS text messages. You can not receive MMS messages while on wifi. Aggravates me all the time while I am offshore.
Wifi calling for T-mobile is shoddy at best. The app for it is half-baked. The fact is, its a great idea, it just isn't implemented well.
Unfortunately true. The WiFi calling is great when it works. Love it when traveling, but it's been a bit off to say the least with the apps not only on WP but on Android as well. I've spoken with them about this and from what I've been told they're "working to make it better" but not sure how much progress has been made on it.
They are actually using a 3rd party developer's coding for it. They originally programmed the service for iPhones and BlackBerrys to use VoIP protocols for calling over WiFi, but since have adapted it to Android and now Windows Phone. I think the Android version will mature as the bar has already been established with Apps in the market, but I have a bad feeling that it will never work quite right with WP just due to the limitations on the OS. Even the MS native Skype App is buggy as all get out. It is a great service to use for calling out in an emergency, but honestly, I usually just avoid the dead zone in my house and go outside if I absolutely can't afford to drop the call.
Realize this is slightly old, was over here checking out WP with wifi-calling. First of all wifi-calling has been around for a long time on T-Mobile in the from of UMA (others carriers as well -- as UMA). UMA required hardware on the phone. So, in the beginning, it was on BBerry and one or two Nokia phones. When they started handling Android phones, T-mo switched to Kineto, which was a software version that allowed OTA updates to Android phones. The latest version, IMS, is the current version. No iPhones have ever had wifi-calling because Apple won't allow it.

I disagree that the current version of wifi-calling is "shoddy". I have been using it with near perfect reception -- even doing several conference calls from Kazakhstan. My home reception (for all carriers) blows, and wifi-calling has been nearly flawless. Also, in wifi-only mode, the app shuts off the cell radios increasing the battery life by stopping the phone hunting for signals it cannot find. Plus (at least on my Z10) it works in airplane mode as well. So when flying I can send texts and even talk -- if I explain to the attendants that I'm not on cell. On my phone it can receive and send MMS. And, sending and receiving standard text messages on wifi only works with t-mo + wifi-calling,.

So, must agree with last poster; it sounds like it's limited by WP's OS.
Texting and talking while in flight is only possible if using what most refer to as "in-flight internet" basically a wifi service provided by the airline company during the flight at a hefty cost. While on the ground (parked or taxi-ing) it is rather difficult in most airports I have been (and I have been in many) to acquire a decent (if any) wifi signal, say, from the airport facilities. Also, if your cell phone is in "airplane mode" wifi is also turned-off, so I can't fathom how you are using wifi calling inside a plane short of utilizing the in-flight expensive wifi which will require to turn wifi ON manually, since you have to be in airplane mode. Sorry but your story has some holes, care to explain?
Wi-Fi calling has always screed with my messages, SMS or mms. I just deleted it rather than making sure that it's turned off.
Followup if I may, my dad has this phone and his wifi calling has been raising hell when trying to send txt messages. We have no need for this wifi calling and I have looked over his phone every which setting possible and at my wits end, how do I go about disabling this "feature" ?
Followup if I may, my dad has this phone and his wifi calling has been raising hell when trying to send txt messages. We have no need for this wifi calling and I have looked over his phone every which setting possible and at my wits end, how do I go about disabling this "feature" ?

Just set it to "cellular preferred" and turn it off. That's enough and it should never interfere with sending texts again.
Re: Are we finally getting Wi-Fi calling from T-mobile??

One thing has not changed. I still cannot send or receive text messages when WiFi calling is turned on. This was the case on my Lumia 521 and is still the case on my Lumia 635. Today, I sent my son a text message with WiFi calling on and he didn't get it. Later, I turned WiFi calling off, and promptly received a message that he had sent a half hour earlier. I am enrolled in a T-Mobile pre-paid plan.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!
Re: Are we finally getting Wi-Fi calling from T-mobile??

One thing has not changed. I still cannot send or receive text messages when WiFi calling is turned on. This was the case on my Lumia 521 and is still the case on my Lumia 635. Today, I sent my son a text message with WiFi calling on and he didn't get it. Later, I turned WiFi calling off, and promptly received a message that he had sent a half hour earlier. I am enrolled in a T-Mobile pre-paid plan.

Posted via the WPC App for Android!

I believe wifi calling isn't available to prepaid subscribers. Thats what I was told in the past by T-mobile.
I believe wifi calling isn't available to prepaid subscribers. Thats what I was told in the past by T-mobile.

The misinformation that is provided by the general phone sales force is staggering to say the least. Wi-Fi calling is available to any T-Mobile customers as long as your model phone has the feature. For example the Lumia 810 did not have it but the 521, 925 and 635 do.
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Wi-Fi calling has always screed with my messages, SMS or mms. I just deleted it rather than making sure that it's turned off.

Reset my phone with the Nokia tool and it put wifi calling app back on. Deleted it, but it was still on and showed wifi calling at top of screen. Make sure to disable it before deleting it from phone.
I had problems with the wifi calling not consistently working and constantly bugging out. I had the wifi calling set on "Wi-fi preferred" when I had these problems. I changed the setting in the wifi calling app to "Wi-fi only" and then I manually change it when I leave and arrive at home, and I've had much better and much more consistent wifi calling.

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