Taking back the forums


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Sep 28, 2014
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This is a thread to thank all the positive posters who are attempting to enjoy their platform and assist others who may be having issues or are looking to use Windows as their mobile platform. As you know, it has become nearly unbearable lately with the negative comments flooding the forums. While I understand frustration, I do not understand how the constant negativity will be productive. This is a forum for Windows fans and, while I support anyone who wants to be here despite their choice of device, I am hoping we can turn things around a bit and make it a more enjoyable place for fans to come to.
I want to thank James Falconer for driving meaningful conversation and topics. While they often get turned into negativity, we need more of these types of threads where we can discuss and work through things we may be thinking about or facing ourselves.
Thank you so much to Windowsmoose for starting the “Positive Windows phone news thread”. We needed this and it is helping to create the positive energy we so desperately need.
Also, thanks to RumoredNow who rightly points out that it is we who will help turn things around by supporting our platform of choice. If we show MS and everyone how much we want this to succeed, our chances of success are exponentially higher.
And thanks to all the others (you know who you are) who are always posting positive comments and helping others in need. You do make a huge difference in the forums and shine a positive light on how our platform enriches our lives and brings an alternative to Android and iPhone.
So what can we do? Remain positive! I know it’s hard but we can’t let all the negativity get us down and take away from our enjoyment. Try not to get pulled into the negativity (one of my flaws and something I will get better at). Just return comments with positive ones. That doesn’t mean everything is rosy and perfect with Windows mobile, no platform is perfect. We can have meaningful conversations without turning it into an argument. Lastly, flood the forums with your comments each and every day. Help make this place what it should be, a fan forum with a helpful community of people with a variety of viewpoints but who are trying to enjoy their platform of choice.
I hope I have not offended anyone with my comments, it is not my intent. Everyone is welcome as is every viewpoint. But I think most of us can agree it has tuned mostly negative and that’s no fun for everyone. Let’s do something about it! Thanks for listening and I promise I will do my part to make this the best Windows enthusiast site online.


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Feb 7, 2016
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Agreed, but let me remind you that Zac and Daniel also like to joke a lot about the state that W10M is in and some other people may like to just joke about it too, although it is true that there is way too much negativity on lately (and has been for some time). We can't pretend everything is perfect though so if we have a "negative" comment we should consider it as reminder for that but of course if every single post is about negativity it won't get any discussions too far.


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Sep 28, 2014
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I enjoy joking around as much as anyone else. What I'm speaking about is much more than that. All is good though. 😉

Sent from mTalk on my SP4


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Nov 4, 2013
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Windows Central wouldn't be very effective if we were selective.
Mobile Nations must welcome all rhetoric to maintain viability as a tech forum.

I consider our members a very intelligent group who can discuss without anger.
We are very lucky to have the user base we have now.

I've learned over the years to not look at any discussion as a competition they are simply an exchange.
We've been through downturns before and the peaks in negativity always burn out with time.

Honestly when everyone is happy and one sided our little corner of the internet here becomes quiet.


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Aug 16, 2013
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Honestly, I would have been unable to successfully use my windows phones, 520, 925, 640, 650 and 950, if this site did not exist.
The help I was able and continue to be able to access, is critical to my Windows Phones usage.
Thank You. Windows Central Members are the Bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 20, 2015
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I have to be honest and say that the negativity drove me from wp for a while, I took it in and grew frustrated with Microsoft, tried android didn't like it much, don't trust google much, tried iOS, its stable but....boring. So I'm back and this time hopefully more resistant to the negativity that affected me the first time.

My view now, I like wp, I'm going to keep using it as long as I want to and it is available, what ever else happens, happens, I'm just going to enjoy the device and not stress about all of this other nonsense. I get it, Microsoft have not handled mobile well, doesn't mean they are killing it through, just that at the moment they are not very good at managing a growth strategy for it.


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Sep 28, 2014
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I have to be honest and say that the negativity drove me from wp for a while, I took it in and grew frustrated with Microsoft, tried android didn't like it much, don't trust google much, tried iOS, its stable but....boring. So I'm back and this time hopefully more resistant to the negativity that affected me the first time.

My view now, I like wp, I'm going to keep using it as long as I want to and it is available, what ever else happens, happens, I'm just going to enjoy the device and not stress about all of this other nonsense. I get it, Microsoft have not handled mobile well, doesn't mean they are killing it through, just that at the moment they are not very good at managing a growth strategy for it.

Glad you're back and appreciate your contributions and positive outlook!

Sent from mTalk on my SP4


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Apr 2, 2017
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I think my main issue isn't so much negativity, as distorted representations of reality.

Yes mobile marketshare is very low.

Yes, some mobile specific apps have been abandoned, yes windows has less apps than ios or android (but more than amazon and BB10).

And yes, we are all wondering who's going to make the next mobile phones. Those are all valid.

But all the rest is, frankly OTT.

Running new revisions on old hardware is buggy on any mobile OS. Go to android central, and find out.

No other mobile OSes support 3+ year old phones either, and they don't get updates as frequently.

Perhaps these are a product of win10 mobile users living in a little windows cocoon, but these are realities the rest of the mobile world have MORE than windows 10m. There are more hardware variations, and less support for them in a world dominated by the latest premium Samsung flagships. That means there are a lot of issues with bugs, incompatible apps, crashing, troubles with upgrades, lack of support - a swathe of it, in the androidverse. You can get a new android phone, and have it unable to run certain apps, without crashing. So much so, each app has a listed supported hardware compatibility.

As someone who has used a lot of android devices, it kind of strikes me as odd, all that as levelled as a "windows phone problem". Its just not, _plenty_ of android users out there have steam pouring out their ears too because this or that app, or this android revision isn't coming to their device, or runs unstably. Pick a modern, well supported windows 10 mobile device, rather than an old upgrade, or use the OS revision that works best with the phone.

This is not a windows exclusive, its a reality of maintaining software across a diverse range of hardware. The more hardware you deal with, the less easy it is to keep everything in line.

Anyway, there are planned and announced feature upgrades coming to windows 10 mobile. Big ones. Cshell, Cortana skils api, the people feature, NEON design, office 365 on uwp, and MORE.

Its a supported OS, and that should be obvious by mere fact of the insider program! (ie people getting feature and bugfix updates, in real-time, all the time)

There are definitely some rough things going if you want a) lots of phones to choose from or b) lots of niche or local apps. Perfectly valid.

Myself I don't use a lot of apps, just the big ones, so that don't bother me - but I _would_ like to see a midrange and premium offering soon from someone. I think we are all together on that one point!

There have been some rough corners as MS has had to pivot its approach to the market, whether its some developers taking awhile to come on board with UWP for desktop/tablet, or multiple phone resets leaving consumers in the dust.

In a world now more mobile and touch oriented than it used to be, a changing computer environment, you can be annoyed as a customer, sure, I hear that, but surely one must also objectively also understand the commercial need to pivot here and how difficult that turn for a company like ms has been? (and indeed how much they have gotten _right_ with that pivot)

Basically, there is no apppocalypse, and no winphonaggedon, and the hysteria is confusing people IMO.

Keep it in perspective is all I ask - literally all - please if you need or want, place valid criticism. Absolutely do that, that's a consumers right, and criticism can make things better, just stop crying that the sky is falling, and keep it a little more balanced :) Cheers!
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Apr 6, 2013
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I like to keep posts short and simple, a large slice of humour amongst the gloom and doom mongers
.. and my own personal favourite .... posting picts of cups of coffee.

... !!

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