Tango app available

So anyone else with a Focus using it? I can't get the rear camera to work. It just shows a blank screen when I click on video. Voice works fine (when I say fine, I mean it's somewhat choppy, but it works).
You can only video chat with a FFC until further updates :S looks like this app is meant for the new mango devices
You can only video chat with a FFC until further updates :S looks like this app is meant for the new mango devices

There's someone in comments from the above article that states their HD7 is using the rear camera. AFAIK, HD7 does not have a FFC.
I just tested a videoconference between my HTC Radar (which has a front camera) and an Iphone 4 on 3G network, it's working great, the quality is quite nice.
I just downloaded it and its telling me I have to enable push notifications. Whats the deal with push notifications? Do they use up a lot of data? I'm on a 2GB plan but it's my first month and I keep turning off data because I'm scared I might use it all =)
I just downloaded it and its telling me I have to enable push notifications. Whats the deal with push notifications? Do they use up a lot of data? I'm on a 2GB plan but it's my first month and I keep turning off data because I'm scared I might use it all =)

I doubt it uses a lot of data. When a call comes in it pops up at the top like you would a text message, which I think is kind of lame. If you miss the alert then you won't know you're getting a call.
I would imagine it's the only way for the app to notify you if someone is calling you via their tango client

edit: oops, I'm too slow!
Yeah just tried this with Tango on Samsung focus to iphone and voice works but no video. I tried tapping the camera icon to switch cameras but couldn't get it to work. Voice sounded fine.
The developer of the app was on xda stated that the version in the marketplace is an older version that they just put out. There are confirmed Focus users being able to use their rear cam on the newer version. The confirmed reports are from unlocked Focus owners if that helps any. Hopefully an update will be pushed out soon.

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