Taskbar not working/working poorly


New member
Jul 31, 2015
I just updated my laptop to windows 10 from windows 8.1. I did a full scan of my pc for viruses and I made sure to clean it. (Junk files etc) So my computer loads from the "Please wait screen" all my start apps start up everything fine... then I realize I am not connected to the internet, no problem I'll just click the wifi icon. Well, it seems like it doesn't respond, so as impatient as I am I spam it with clicks. Boom minutes later after googling on my phone for people who have similar issues it magically appears? I connect to wifi awesome. Start menu does not open, I try to type in the search bar does not respond. At first task manager did not want to respond. I am more than certain I am not the only person with issues. I found a post with my problem. I try to do as they said. I can not Action Center button doesn't work so I can't do what it is said. As I type this now it just opened I can use it now, awesome. Can someone help me? I am sorry for my unnecessary information but I am very frustrated.
Something that Microsoft should really have stated somewhere. There is a fairly large post-update where windows is still updating and installing programs that were moved from the previous install. Generally with most of the build updates that I have done, as well as windows 7 upgrades on my domain, I have to let the system set for an hour or two after first login. Generally once you do this and give it a reboot or two things seem to get better.

Quite a few programs have threads in to explorer.exe which is what the start menu and notification window run off of which is why you will see the jerky reactions.
I had the problem of start menu and task bar not working. Created a new account to use and everything is fine

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