teach the autocorrect?


Feb 20, 2015
Hi all, I'm having an issue with the autocorrect. When I am writing to people and mentioning a church which is called Ellon every time it autocorrects it to Ellen. This is proving very frustrating as I type this a lot and every time have to engage in the same battle with the autocorrect for it to leave my words alone. Anyone know how I can teach it?

In my experience, a new word "sticks" after a lot of use, but it's hard to tell how many times you need to do it. I know it can be forced. The same happens with swear words, it avoids them.
In my experience, a new word "sticks" after a lot of use, but it's hard to tell how many times you need to do it. I know it can be forced. The same happens with swear words, it avoids them.
Hmm, sadly this is not my experience. Ive been using this tablet for over a year and every document or note I write generally has this word in it and every single time I have to change it. So frustrating as if I'm in a hurry and forget someone gets a document from a church pastor where he is mispelling the name of his church.
Speaking to support apparently it can't be done! I have to simply accept the keyboard changing my words! Is this April fools or something....?
See if this does the trick.

Go to :\Users\<account>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Spelling\<language>\default.dic" and then add your problem word.

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