Tech journalist's BS after W10 event


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May 28, 2014
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Ok so here is the lead in to a story by a journalist at the WSJ that just covered the windows 10 event "the idea of Windows running on every device you own may sound terrifying. Pop-up permission requests, virus update reminders and blue screens of death everywhere? Thanks, but no thanks."

So if I could i would like to ask her if she has even used a newer Windows os - I haven't had a Blue Screen in at least 10 years, and that is in using a whole variety of both work and personal computers. Virus update reminders? Automatically updated and scans in the background. Pop up permissions? Not since using vista... If you are going to write in the tech space for a living, how about educating yourself on the subject matter...


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Jun 29, 2014
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I do laugh at some people who get so anti-MS that doesn't matter what MS do, it'll be crap.

In the last month, my PC (win 8.1) running a gamers spec (from 2012) has received no viruses (touch wood), no blue screen, no virus update reminders (it does it automatically) and the occasional pop-up (when I update software - which I don't mind). Oh and no freezes!
My partner has a MacBook Pro (last years model) and guess how many times it's frozen?? I have lost count it's that often. I do laugh as it frustrates my partner that I'm grinning from my Windows PC (which is crash free!).



Aug 11, 2014
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It's rampant throughout the tech journalism sphere. It seems most articles were written by people who didn't even watch the event and just skimmed someone else's review or at the very least didn't pay any attention.

I've read articles on CNET, Forbes, the WSJ and the New York Times that not only made incorrect assumptions but flat out reported lies.

It's an epidemic on the internet. On one hand you have the misinformed "journalists" fraudulently presenting themselves as experts and on the other you have what I call the "bait & bull****" - where they have some eye catching headline and then either have an article completely full of lies or just a rant of random thoughts that don't even pertain to the headline. They're only concerned with the click count for their advertisers.

It's not just tech journalism or even just journalism, there is a fundamental lack of integrity and self respect world wide.

(BTW, the "blue screen of death" doesn't even exist anymore. They replaced it with something else)


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Oct 19, 2011
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It was only because of this forumthread that I heard about this article for the first time. And then I'm from the Netherlands. Maybe it could put things into perspective how much of an impact her article makes. If I didnt read about it, I wouldn't have known it existed! Food for thought.


Aug 11, 2014
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It's not just one though, that's the issue... and the Wall Street Journal is a respected and largely distributed news source.


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Jan 16, 2012
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So many 'journalists' are way too personal about technology in their reviews. It's like forum banter - MS is crap, Apple rules, oh yeah Android is the best. The reality is that any of the top 3 smartphones brands are pretty darn good - think of everything we can do with such a small device. it's amazing really.
Unfortunately most of the writers today use Macbooks and cannot bring themselves to like or approve of anything MS does. I feel bad for MS, regardless of what they do they can't get any respect!

Steve Adams

Nov 29, 2013
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Funny, I have not seen a BSOD since XP. However, on OSX of way newer guise, when I had my macs, I regularly view spinning beach balls of death. I guess, when you "mainstream media" is paid off my apple and their lemmings, then you have to bring up stuff that has happened since 4 OS revisions Ago.


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Jun 8, 2013
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Just out of curiosity OP, what did the rest of the article say? I feel like you're taking a joke out of context.


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Nov 12, 2012
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This kind of uninformed/misleading journalism is what has all but killed Windows RT (which I still beleive is an amazing tablet OS).

The problem is (to my mind) is that accurately reporting the facts is sometimes secondary to earning revenue. If stories can be made sensationalist and click-baiting in nature, then the web site will make more revenue in terms of advertising.

Stick with awesome sites like Windows Central and you can't go far wrong...


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May 28, 2014
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Just out of curiosity OP, what did the rest of the article say? I feel like you're taking a joke out of context.

Oh no, I don't think it was a joke - I got the feeling those were her real sentiments. If I had to guess I would say she hasn't used windows since XP.

And yes the balance of the article was very reasonable coverage - however with a lead in like that it just totally tainted it for me.


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Oct 2, 2013
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they are so stupid, doesn't give a chance on trying the new special Windows 10, they will miss everything, but none of us care (except people who hate Microsoft, finding every single post of bad things about Windows, and guess where are those from? CNet!)

Only people who've tried Windows 10 will know the thing, the Surface Pro 3, Surface Hub, HoloLens, Microsoft Band, Lumia 1030 (waiting for it), Lumia 1520, Surface Mini (still waiting for it). And the ability to sync all your OneDrive data, settings, messaging, people, calender, e-mail, and more to all your devices, SEAMLESSLY and EFFORTLESSLY.


Nov 29, 2012
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The article actually wasn't bad by Joanna Stern standards, but oh my god the comments! I didn't want to, but I just had to read them all. I did manage to stop myself before jumping into the fray. Even at my age I am still somehow surprised at how uninformed most people are; yet they have no problem trumpeting their ignorance and negativity.


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Jan 30, 2013
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The article actually wasn't bad by Joanna Stern standards, but oh my god the comments! I didn't want to, but I just had to read them all. I did manage to stop myself before jumping into the fray. Even at my age I am still somehow surprised at how uninformed most people are; yet they have no problem trumpeting their ignorance and negativity.

yeah, the comments were insane! most negative comments seem to be from people that never touched Windows 8 and go by what negative comments on the net they could find.... even the positive comments seemed iffy....


Nov 29, 2012
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There were some real gems:
  • I liked the guy who made four or five comments about security and bugs. "What about SECURITY!!! for small business users?" "What are they doing about cyber attacks?"
  • Also liked the guy who complained that Windows was always providing updates.
  • Maybe my favorite was the guy who complained that he had to replace a bunch of peripherals when he upgraded from XP, and then the person who replied that the obvious answer was to just get a Mac. (Yep, I'm sure there's no risk of peripheral equipment replacement costs if you use a Mac for 8 years).


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Jan 16, 2012
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Maybe my favorite was the guy who complained that he had to replace a bunch of peripherals when he upgraded from XP, and then the person who replied that the obvious answer was to just get a Mac. (Yep, I'm sure there's no risk of peripheral equipment replacement costs if you use a Mac for 8 years)
13 years, but who's counting, lol. I read the same comment and thought you've got to be kidding me. You bought a computer when you kid was in kindergarten and now that he's entering college you are p1ssed that the old XP don't work no more with all it's peripherals. Seriously?

Reminds me of a friend who had so many problems with their Windows laptop - 10 years old, 1 GB ram, 80 gb hdd - slow as molasses, always having trouble. The guy at Best Buy says 'that's Windows' and gets them to buy a computer that 'just works'. $2,700 later (MacBook pro) they can't believe how much better Apple is then MS! Haha


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Apr 27, 2012
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I can't stand tech journalists anymore. I've basically banned myself from reading that **** because it stresses me out how ignorant the people are and how much they get away with. Most of the **** is so bad, they should be fired for straight up making bull**** up.

"News" has gone to **** because of the internet. Integrity has vanished and click bait is rampant.

Even good sites like the Verge are filled with arrogant tech journalists with their heads up their asses.

I stick with Rubino, Thurrott, and Mary Jo Foley. Those are the only ones I know actually have proper knowledge of MS and have honest critiques of MS products.

Joanna Stern is as worthless as they come. Everyone I know who watched the event was blown away, and people like her still manage to dig up trash like it's 1999.
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