Terraria Glitches


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I've been playing Terraria for a week, and while it's a good, addicting game, it's got a few critical bugs.

The first has to do with equipping armor. If you try to equip an item in a slot that's already occupied you permanently lose the item that had been previously equipped. Where the item goes when you equip it is unpredictable at times, whether it's vanity or armor, but either way it results in lost items. Making things worse is that sometimes simply taking armor or clothing out of a chest causes it to be auto-equipped. So it's best to take everything off first to be safe.

Although crashes are very rare, one of the it happened I lost the molten pickaxe I had equipped.

The third bug is the failure of Muramasa to drop from a gold chest in the dungeon. It's supposed to be a guaranteed drop. This one sucks because it permanently locks me out of a whole line of recipes. Supposedly, it was possible for people to start numerous new games and continue experiencing the bug but it's been fixed on iOS and Android.

I was wondering if anyone else has encountered anything we should be aware of.
Been playing since a week, only glitch I found till now is that destroyer doesn't seem to drop anything after killing it in hard mode. Succeeded in killing it thrice but no loot.

I was able to find muramasa in both the dungeons I did in different worlds, also didn't notice armour bug.

But the hardmode seems to be bugged.

Correction: Destroyer does drop loot, but it'll drop it somewhere underground, probably where it got spwaned, had to dig the entire map to find that!
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I have not experienced the armor glitch you are talking about. However there is one glitch that is really damn annoying, many times when I zoom out to the map the game just crashes, that's it and it happens too often.
Other than battery drain and a hot phone the game has been pretty stable for me. I've gotten the annoying control conflict where the map will appear while you're trying to attack and move at the same time. Fortunately I haven't had the game crash when I zoom out.

It seems that the Windows Phone version is stuck at the same version that iOS and Android have had since last year. The PC/console versions are ahead with a lot more content and fixes. Although it seems Windows Phone is getting screwed out of the Oktoberfest update.

The upside here is that there's at least one duping bug in the game. Actually, the process is so specific and reliable it almost seems like a resource for the developers that they forgot to take out.
I experienced the equiped gears thing and lost stuff, weird thing but easy to avoid. At least isnt just me.
The other thing i experienced that didnt hpn before was the following.

I was playing with one character on one world everything ok, so the other day i said lets start a new char and a new world.
and until i deleted the first one it kept lagging.
Its ok but was weird
I think Windows Phone version is on par with the android and ios, both of those platforms git hardmode at around September and the same thing got ported to windows phone on 12th Sep.
I've also had my game crash a few times when zooming out on the map. I didn't notice losing my armor when I equip a new one, I'm pretty sure that I kept my old armor (I'll have to double check that).

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