Tether Fuze to Laptop?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I use to have the HTC Mogul, and there was a free 3rd party app that allowed me to easily tether my Mogul to my laptop.

Is there some free app for the fuze that easily allows me to do the same? If so can someone post the link, and also any information/tutorial on how to setup and properly use the app.

I know AT&T wants to charge for these kind of data plans, but I feel like thats ridiculous, especially if I am already paying 30$ a month for a "unlimited" data plan, which in reality has a 5GB limit. I wouldnt be using 5GB of data anyways so I am looking for a free way to tether my fuze to my laptop.

Hey James, Thanks for the reply and the info!

I started looking into the link you sent me and I am assuming that I was suppose to check out the HTC RAPHAEL WM6.1 Cooked ROMS. Is that correct?

If so which ROM are you running and which version of the ROM? It looks like the EnergyROM is very popular, and the latest build is 1.7... I downloaded 1.5 and 1.7 and unzipped the files, and clicked the executables. The executables have a button for a readme file, but the readme file doesnt exist. Is the install pretty straight forward?

Thanks for your help!

Yes the flash is pretty strait forward. WM 6.1 cooked ROMs is correct like you said. I have used a dozen different ROMS and liked them all. I was looking for the best GPS experience. Come to find that GPS is just kinda lousy on the Fuze. I am not sure about the read me file. Ive never read them. I read threw the entire ROM thread to make a decision on whether to flash or not. DL the ROM, run the exe, it finds the correct ROM to flash and then follow the prompts. Its not like to old days when you had to know how to code in java to be able to flash. The hackers make it extremely user friendly. I teather about an hour every other week so I couldn't justify paying a monthly fee for that. If you hardly ever need to teather but do need to when you need to then a cooked rom is the way to go :D
I have used a dozen different ROMS and liked them all. I was looking for the best GPS experience. Come to find that GPS is just kinda lousy on the Fuze.
The GPS functionality is part of the radio ROM, which is separate from the system ROM -- some ROM packages include a radio ROM but many do not, which allows users to mix & match their favorite system and radio ROMs. Some radio ROMs just work better for some people/devices/areas than others.

There have been reported GPS improvements in recent radio ROMs such as the one extracted from the leaked Fuze "official" ROM update. This radio ROM is also reported by some XDA users as greatly improving reception and call fidelity, so it sounds promising. I haven't tried it yet, as I wanted to wait and see if AT&T/HTC releases it soon, but if they drag their feet I'll try the leaked one.
The GPS functionality is part of the radio ROM, which is separate from the system ROM -- some ROM packages include a radio ROM but many do not, which allows users to mix & match their favorite system and radio ROMs. Some radio ROMs just work better for some people/devices/areas than others.

There have been reported GPS improvements in recent radio ROMs such as the one extracted from the leaked Fuze "official" ROM update. This radio ROM is also reported by some XDA users as greatly improving reception and call fidelity, so it sounds promising. I haven't tried it yet, as I wanted to wait and see if AT&T/HTC releases it soon, but if they drag their feet I'll try the leaked one.

Non of the ROMs I flashed included a radio and I didnt bother paying xda for the tool to flash a radio form another device. I wasn't aware that the GPS performance related more towards the radio and less towards the ROM. Thanks for the info on the leaked ROM :thumbsup:
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