Text back up not working pre and post Cyan LM1520


WPCentral Question

Ok so have a Lumia 1520, was most current on Dev preview OS and my MS account and subsequent accounts quit syncing. After much searching figured out that turning off text back up fixes the issue. I did notice that I kept getting a contact could not be updated error if I went past the initial screen in MS Account, so figured if I deleted all text back ups and the contact this would resolve the issue (to me turning off text back up is a band aid and not a fix to an issue).

So, did all that, figured out how to see text back ups on web outlook.com, deleted contact on phone and in people, all text from contact on web outlook and sync still didn't work.

Well then yesterday got Cyan update.

Same issue occurs post update.

So does anyone know WHY having text back up enabled, disables MS Account and subsequent accounts from syncing?

On a separate note, the live camera update portion is sic. Very cool.
Aug 4, 2014
Your Sync not working right? email: Settings >> email+ accounts>> Microsoft account>> download new content>> choose how you want it to sync.
You can change some other settings too there.
You can sync your settings too : settings >> sync my settings.

give it a try.

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