There is no backup utility that will save everything. Take screenshots of your home screen, as you will have to reconstruct that yourself. Make sure they sync up to SkyDrive before you reset. Other than that, I do not use Verizon's Backup Assistant - Verizon knows enough about me already, and Microsoft already backs up more than VZWs BA does. When you restore, connect to a WiFi ASAP because otherwise you'll be pulling all of your apps/games/config/whatever over the data plan and burning it up. The first time I did a restore, I connected to the WiFi at the Microsoft Store and sat there for two hours while it pulled more than 2GB over their WiFi. Your pictures will not restore - you can copy them back to the phone using a PC if you want to. Music will not restore, though not being an Xbox Music user I don't know if maybe it will restore music purchased.
After the restore, I typically go through all of the settings just taking a cursory look to be sure that they are what I want. I don't remember which, but there are a few settings that do not restore from the backup. The whole thing is a process that can take a few hours, depending on how many apps/games you have installed, and how many tiles you have pinned.
That's all I can think of for now - the last time I did a restore (I've done it five times) was in June.