The Apple press is still in denial


New member
Aug 5, 2011
Surface is hot, right?

White hot. Selling out. Lines so long and crowds so big they make the Apple releases seem like nice attempts.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. Surface was a horrible flop that scratched Topolsky's kitchen table and that would confuse the user! And everyone wants an iPad!

So it seems the Apple press is playing a new tactic... using snarky modifiers.

Check out this CNet article... "AT THE MOMENT, Microsoft Surface is hot."

The obvious suggestion is that it's a temporary thing. They don't post that about Apple products, despite Apple missing their sales numbers by a mile (and iPad sales way down).

They're going to fight this thing tooth and nail until it's undeniable.

I love it. :D

At the moment, Microsoft Surface is hot | Microsoft - CNET News
Don't get me wrong I like apple, the few things I have had were great. That said it has always been very easy to see how the press is nothing but a bunch of fanboys for apple. I hate that I don't care what the product is if its good report it if its bad report it that's all we the consumer care about anyway.
They (Apple) would be much better off if they realized that Surface is an alternative to the iPad, not a replacement

**Sent from my Windows Phone using Board Express**
I really do think Apple was in a way savior of tech and the real force that brought hardware and software marriage real.

That said it really is some times quite painful to watch how tech bloggers and media approaches Windows 8 and WP. Example the "it doesn't have apps" doesn't even mean anything anymore, it's just something that everybody has to say.

Also many of the bloggers don't use Windows based devices as their own devices. I do really think there's a bit of a change on the wind, Apple is losing that god like status. It's just like the other companies making mistakes.
Microsoft seems to be finally getting it, just in time. It will be interesting 2 years in tech world.
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That isn't too bad of a blog. He gave W8 and the Surface some good props. Look what he said about the touchscreen laptops.

There are a lot of people who have lots of cash wrapped up in the Apple ecosystem. They are likely feeling a little envy atm.

I just found my favorite W8 feature. Spell-checker built into the OS FTW!
I agree we have a partisan press when it comes to Apple products. I attribute this to the "journos" belief that everyone in publishing still uses Apples.

However I would advise caution with regards to declaring the Surface a hit. it certainly has been popular but we have no numbers and the lines have not uniformly been long. The other issue is the current limited availability of the Surface from traditional retail stores.

Another point is the tech crowd are still obsessing with the OS. One example was an article that placed a range of characters young and old in front of a Surface and told tem to get on with it. They enjoyed it but all complained about not knowing about corners or the charm bar, declaring a lack of guides. This confuses me somewhat as it has been my experience that you get this information when you first log into the account, oh that's right we had already clicked past this and decided not to pass this information along. it is these lame arse articles which are trying to push a problem when none really exists.
What gets me is that bloggers are always *****en at Microsoft about products. ok if it's about keyboards,mouse, Xbox, Zune. fine but they ***** about PC, laptops. which MS doesn't make. but now they built a tablet a pretty dam sweet one at that and the minds of these folks are taken back. they see lines of people waiting to get this tablet, there minds just can not adjust this is only an apple thing isn't? how can so many people want this? they can not understand that Apple isn't the only company that can make stunning products. It frightens them deeply it's like 1994 crashing down all around them.As they look and use Surface it becomes apparently clear to them IT'S BLOODY DAM MAGICAL so they pick on things like it scratch my tabletop.... OOOOOOk
And it seems kind of strange that none of the mainstream sites are questioning why there are no x86 tablets on sale especially when you consider most of these sites were at the recent trade shows and asked about availability and were told October 26. Only story I've come across that mentions this is this obscure site. Windows OEMs botched the tablet launch — Tech Outcast. Maybe because these tablets would be more of a threat to their beloved pads?
iPad has a proven track record of success. It's the standard against which all other tablets are measured, both in terms of user experience, ecosystem and sales. It's not strange for me that Surface would not be immediately embraced as the iPad killer/next big thing.
iPad has a proven track record of success. It's the standard against which all other tablets are measured, both in terms of user experience, ecosystem and sales. It's not strange for me that Surface would not be immediately embraced as the iPad killer/next big thing.

You have a point. I remember when I got my Zune. Everyone debating if it was an iPod killer. It was better in every way but never got traction.

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