The latest Microsoft Copilot update on Android makes me mourn the death of Cortana

I used Cortana a lot from controlling my lights, to reminders, to letting her read my text messages to me from across the room and even on occasion letting her sing me a lullaby. I did much of this through my now thoroughly defunct HP Invoke.
The thing I liked best about Cortana was she had personality. None of these assistants these days seem to have a "spark" like she did. She was a better assistant in her early days (before MS started lobotomizing her) than any of the other assistants out there.
MS missed such a golden opportunity. She could have felt more "alive" than ever and in the day of virtual eye wear could have actually appeared. I always thought it would have been amazing to see her in the Hololens. And now with the HALO series out and seemingly doing well it could have added to the hype.
So Sean, I feel you pain. Spread the word!! We want Cortana back!!!!

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