The latest version of tech preview is jacked up.

Matt Gowin

New member
Jan 31, 2015
So, my old version worked perfectly well until one day it restarted itself while I was in the middle of something. The result was as follows.

-First I had to install new video drivers because the old ones no longer worked right.
-Second with the three monitors I am using for NVidia surround pressing the start symbol on the main monitor makes the menu pop up on the left monitor
-Third they are now jamming metro down our throat again by making the start menu look like metro.
-Forth the search bar that has now been added to the bar instead of the start menu is jacked up. You have to click in it multiple times to make it work.
-Fifth the new IE is jacked up and stops working all the time.
-Sixth and most important! Audio stops working for now reason and requires a complete reboot to make work again.

I thought this was a tech preview of a product that was about ready for release (it was fine the way it was) now I have a jacked up beta running on my system that was stable until they did whatever this is. Finally, WE DONT WANT METRO! Everyone has said this and that is why the start menu is back. It was a failed plan, get rid of it, stop trying to bring it back.
This is an early enough version that in the past it would've been considered a beta. It is far from finished and won't be finished for quite some time.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk
Your 'old version' restarted because it was updated. Nothing abnormal here except for you not noticing this and/or ignoring the warnings/notices of his.

What you describe is known and has been fixed in an update which will be installed after the 9926 build is running. This is well documented and discussed here and elsewhere, maybe try and do some searching and learning before you basically put your foot in your mouth.

Also, please educate yourself on the purpose and conditions of the technical preview and insider program. Maybe start by actually reading the agreement you ticked off when you downloaded and installed it. It is, for all intents and purposes, a pre-beta release. A final version is at least 6-8 months away.

You use this version at your own risk, things can and will change and it's possible it botches your install. There is no excuse for not being aware of this and there certainly is no grounds whatsoever to start b*tching about it. If you can't handle it, stay with whatever version you used previously.
Your 'old version' restarted because it was updated. Nothing abnormal here except for you not noticing this and/or ignoring the warnings/notices of his.

What you describe is known and has been fixed in an update which will be installed after the 9926 build is running. This is well documented and discussed here and elsewhere, maybe try and do some searching and learning before you basically put your foot in your mouth.

Also, please educate yourself on the purpose and conditions of the technical preview and insider program. Maybe start by actually reading the agreement you ticked off when you downloaded and installed it. It is, for all intents and purposes, a pre-beta release. A final version is at least 6-8 months away.

You use this version at your own risk, things can and will change and it's possible it botches your install. There is no excuse for not being aware of this and there certainly is no grounds whatsoever to start b*tching about it. If you can't handle it, stay with whatever version you used previously.

Your a smart ***! Before putting your foot in your mouth please understand that this wasn't an issue in a prior build and shouldn't be now! Each build should be an improvement and not a step back.This is a tech preview and not a revolving beta. Even then a beta update should improve on itself not take 5 steps back. So please educate yourself about what that means because I have probably been doing these longer than you have been alive. Either way, alpha, beta, or tech preview everyone is said get rid of metro and suddenly Microsoft has had the attack of the ****** and tried to shove it back in. You want to give me an alpha or a beta give me a version with Directx 12 which you have been using to sell NVidia cards but yet to release.

At the beginning of this in October or November the release deadline was around Feb or March 2015. This is far from a data deadline and far from your 6-8 month statement. Finally, as far as the upgrade. I specifically told it not to install the upgrade and then randomly windows shut down about 10 minutes later and applied the update.

So unless you actually know what I am talking about STFU and stay out of my thread. Just like you should stay out of anything PC development related!
Your a smart ***! Before putting your foot in your mouth please understand that this wasn't an issue in a prior build and shouldn't be now! Each build should be an improvement and not a step back
Actually no. This is not a beta at all, it's a TECHNICAL PREVIEW which for all intents and purposes would probably be more like Alpha. Things change, move around, get added, removed or tested. Development (and the feature set) is not yet frozen which would be the case with beta.

There has never been a release deadline for Feb/March, I have no idea how you got that date. It has always been known that WIN10 would be released late fall 2015.

Buddy, I have been in this business and actively involved in software and hardware development since way before the web even existed, PCs had green or amber screens and went bleep at best. I programmed on a teletype, storing the programs to punch tapes. So I would at least try and not make yourself look even more silly then you already have. It's a sign of weakness and insecurity if you need to revert to name calling, irrelevant excuses and 'see what I can dig up on you'. Don't go there please, it's immature for starters, will only backfire and says more about you then it does about me. This is not _your_ thread at all, it is a public post/thread on a public discussion forum. If you want to talk to yourself I suggest a mirror.

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