The Mind-Numbing Weight of the Lumia 920

I Unquello

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Nov 15, 2012
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I wanted to like the Nokia Lumia 920. I really did! I just couldn't lift it up to use it. It's almost 200 grams! Can you believe they made a phone that heavy!? No mere mortal can wield that! Like anyone but Arthur with Excalibur or anyone but Thor with Mjolnir, I put my full weight behind trying to lift the massive Lumia 920 to no avail. It was as if the phone was one of the mythical weapons listed above and I, unfortunately, was not the one selected to be it's wielder.

I might be extra annoyed by the weight of the Nokia Lumia 920 because I burned my mouth this morning slurping my coffee through a straw. AGAIN! Alas, the full mug of coffee - ALMOST 600 GRAMS! - is just ridiculously heavy; almost 3 TIMES heavier than the already-impossible-to-lift Lumia 920. Adding to my grumpiness, I'm starting to smell pretty funky as the larger-than-life shampoo bottle (a scale crushing 1000 grams - I KNOW!) simply cannot be hoisted from it's permanent resting spot. I know now that I should have just trusted my first instinct and opted for the travel size instead.

Hopefully, you understand with the morning I have had when coming to review the Nokia Lumia 920, I had already expended almost all of my strength just getting ready for the day and going to work. Of course, the phone I had to review was the Lumia 920. Of all the phones on all of the days, it had to be this phone today.

Unfortunately, I cannot complete the review. I can't tell you how great it feels in the hand, how smooth the OS is, none of that. The Lumia 920 just sits there on the table, menacingly; mocking me with it's gorgeous looks and seemingly laws-of-physics-denying weight. But maybe, just maybe a hero will rise - a man of renown; a man destined to wield this device like the heroes of legend. Unfortunately, as my greasy hair and burnt mouth can attest to, I am not that man.


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Feb 4, 2013
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OP: I know you're poking fun at ppl that complain about the weight of the 920...but seriously, what is the point in making a thread just to do this? Non-productive threads are normally closed, so do you have a question or general concern?

I Unquello

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Nov 15, 2012
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I was reading all of the hype about the new 928 and 925 this morning and how stunning the weight reductions are - especially with the 925. Buuuuuut, they removed wireless charging from the new flagship to accomplish this.

I've had the 920 since launch and for me, the weight has been a boon, not a bane. I believe the weight complaint has been a self-fulfilling prophesy from the tech-blog community. If none of the sites had complained about how "exceedingly heavy" the 920 is, I don't think it would have been as big as an issue as it was. I don't understand the weight complaint.

Frankly, I am disappointed that Nokia buckled under the weight of the technoblogosphere's hyped-up outrage of the 920's supposed girth to remove one of the best novel features of the 920. All this just to make it feel not so heavy. For a supposed upgrade I believe this to be a step backwards just to appease people who marvel at how amazingly light the new iPhone is, but don't make the distinction that the 920 is heavier because it has a wide swath of additional useful tech that the iPhone lacks.


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Mar 4, 2013
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You need to hit the gym.

With a solid program, focusing on the wrist, forearm and upper arm muscles, you should be able to master the 920 within a year, or so.

Don't just work on your dominant hand either...I learned the hard way after beefing up one side of my body to disproportionate proportions and I got some funny looks I can tell you! Side on profile is fine but head on and you look like a freak and people will cross the road to avoid you. No amount of showing off the wireless charging, super sensitive screen or camera with OIS features on the 920 will convince people that you don't belong in a circus.

I've been there.

Luckily for me, I decided to work on my non-dominant arm to balance things out. I'm now built like a Caucasian Hulk and people flock for miles to see my 920.

True story.

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