The tile grid is going away!

Interesting. I'm cautiously looking forward to Windows 10 and Continuum, but I was one of the few who actually loved Windows 8 and 8.1. I have been somewhat bummed at the changes I've seen so far in the W10 technical preview, but I understand that it's a long way from being final. Thanks for the vid.
I still think the zPC settings app is the most amusing thing. There are loads of tabs with no names now, even more than in 9860
So it seems continuum is a thing. (go to 4:18)

Cortana confirmed! And somebody pushed the battery icon over.

People really need to keep in mind the way the beta process works. Features can and will drop in and out as it moves forward and nothing today should be taken as a definite indicator of what will be in the final build. The point being in this case is that Cortana is not confirmed nor are the UI changes. They are a work in progress, which is why they do not work and/or need registry hacks to see. Things could just as easily be dropped from the final, as beta testers of every version of Windows since Vista can attest. The unfortunate reality is that by releasing early builds to the public, Microsoft is creating just as much potential for eventual complaints and buzz and excitement. Poking around is great but making assumptions as to what things will mean when Windows 10 is released is unwise. A healthy skepticism should be front and center....
I like the reviewers style. And Stephen_AZ is correct. These builds are going to change frequently from build to build and a lot of collaboration will take place to determine what works and what doesn't. I think its good we can get to see this during the "construction" phase. Thanks OP.

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