Think windows is In a bit of trouble with android


Nov 4, 2014
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Ok... So in the UK the ads for the Lumia phones, surface pro and Cortana has been excellent on tv... Really good lately... Just saw an ad now about android. Not an actual ad of a phone...but an ad about android and what the OS can do...... I have to say.... It was an explosive advert that got everyone's attention here..... Could this be an official come back at Microsoft with the Lumia and Cortana ads?


Nov 4, 2014
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It's probably directed at everyone, showing them what the new Android 5.0 can do.

To be honest Microsoft need to pull their finger out a bit.

In the UK they really have. Been nothing but Lumia phones, service pro 3 and Cortana every channel I have been watching. But now seeing google trying to rival Cortana when it comes to asking questions. Siri is nowhere to be seen lol


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Feb 13, 2014
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In the UK they really have. Been nothing but Lumia phones, service pro 3 and Cortana every channel I have been watching. But now seeing google trying to rival Cortana when it comes to asking questions. Siri is nowhere to be seen lol

Do you have a youtube video of this android commercial? I would like to see it before commenting on it.


Apr 16, 2011
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I will check. Its the 1st time I ever saw it tonight. It had a popular rock song to it (forgot what it was) but yeah..... Got my attention
Party Hard by Andrew CK?

Few people buy Android phones for Android. A lot of people go into their phone store and buy the smart phone that the salesperson pushes on them, especially when the iPhone was small and it was easy to wow someone with a 5 inchish Galaxy Phone with the newest features, etc.

Google wants people to be aware that they are using Android, and more importantly, to look for Android next time they go phone shopping too. It's an odd identity crisis for the world's leading smartphone OS.


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Nov 12, 2012
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It's an odd identity crisis for the world's leading smartphone OS.

That's probably true, especially when the most popular Android phones have alternate launchers and such. The other day at work one of our HR ladies asked me if I knew where she could get her phone's cracked screen repaired. I asked her what kind of phone she had, she said "a Samsung". I said, "Ah, an Android phone, nice." She said, "No, it's a Galaxy."


Aug 2, 2012
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Few people buy Android phones for Android. A lot of people go into their phone store and buy the smart phone that the salesperson pushes on them, especially when the iPhone was small and it was easy to wow someone with a 5 inchish Galaxy Phone with the newest features, etc.

I am sorry but this is simply not true. Every bit of legitimate market research has shown variant on a theme. The biggest hurdle Microsoft has is the fact that most buyers are comfortable with Android and ios because they are familiar with them. People (which is annoyingly generic term) are not having things forced on them - they are purchasing what they know. It is the same fundamental reason the Windows desktop OS market share remains 90+ percent. Even the dominance of IPads in the tablet market has done little to nothing to budge buyers from Windows to OSX. People stick with the familiar - IPads for tablets for and Windows for desktops/laptops even if they then complain about limitations of their choices.


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Aug 15, 2011
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Most people really don't seem to know what Android is, just like most people don't know what iOS is. They know they have an Apple phone and that it's different. With the HTC, Motorola, Samsung, LG, etc phones, it's not uncommon to find people who don't know what Android is. They will just mention that it's a (insert brand) phone. Samsung did a lot of work with their Galaxy line in telling people that they should get it over iPhone. That's why people know it as a Galaxy and don't realize that it's similar to other Android offerings. People will stay what they're comfortable with, but at the same time I've had several people be interested in what phone I'm using because it looks cool. Then they'll ask me if it has (insert) app. Almost every time I'll have to say no, or tell them that it does, but the app is better on the phone that they currently have.


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Oct 31, 2014
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I hated the advert. Definitely wouldn't get me to by Android.
I've not seen any Windows Phone adverts yet, so don't know if they would entice me.
Apples adverts are not appealing to me, and although I've tried an iPhone (in store) I've never found it intuitive to use.

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