Thoughts on Wordament, Instagram, Office on IOS, WP8/Win8 sales


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Oct 12, 2011
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A lot of controversial moves are being made lately some good for the platform some bad all depends on peoples point of view. So I just wanted to share some thoughts on current events and if it makes or breaks our ecosystem.


Wordament is a popular game on WP7/8 but lets be real it's not a phone seller people aren't going to buy WP's because of Wordament. I know exclusivity is a big thing especially in the gaming world but in the gaming world exclusives are advertised on TV, posters etc you're not going to see Wordament advertised at your local subway station it's not going to happen MS isn't going to spend top dollar advertising small WP8 games. Exclusives are pointless if their not being advertised simple as that.

Xbox Live is a paid service you have tons of Xbox Live users on iOS and Android they deserve to get some sort of support but what MS should do is make Xbox Live Gold free if you have a registered WP8, Win8 registered device.


Instagram should be coming to Windows Phone's soon its too big to ignore and MS knows that but here's the thing I don't want the same Instagram app iPhone and Android users have. IOS is built on apps, Android is built on features, WP is built on experiences. Instagram, Facebook and other key major apps should be different on WP compared to its iPhone and Android counterparts. What I mean by that is I want to see an Instagram app use all of WP8, Win8 API's and maybe even have an Xbox companion app to go along with it.

An app that fully utilizes the WP8, WIN8 API will provide a way better, fresher experience like thing about pinning sub live tiles of people you follow, or dynamic Instagram lock screens, or instance Facebook video calls via Skype those little experiences is what can take the Windows ecosystem to the next level. Hopefully that's what MS is visioning a separate Instagram experience specifically for Windows Phone, Windows 8, Xbox 360 that's why the app is taking so long.


Office will be on IOS it's just to big of a platform to ignore but here is the kicker you have to pay 100$ yearly to edit Office documents while WP8 and Windows 8 RT users get Office for free. If you want Office an your iPhone 4S/5 your literally paying 300$ to get office while you can buy an HTC 8S or Lumia 620 for 0$ and get Office for free and that's a big advantage for Windows users. So Office on another platform is not so bad it makes money for MS and if advertised right it can point people towards Windows Phone's and RT devices because its free. Office is isn't cheap.

WP8/Win8 sales

If MS sells 100 million Windows 8 devices and if 10% of those users decide to move and try a WP8 that's 10 million WP8 sales. WP8 sales will come through the success of Windows 8, Surface Pro and Xbox 720. WP8 will depend on the success of Surface Pro if the Surface Pro flops MS is in trouble what I mean by flop is that it doesn't deliver an excellent end user experience OOB I don't want something slow, heating up or randomly restarting the Surface Pro must be near perfection because a lot of eyes are on this device.

For example my entire head of department leaders want Surface Pro's to replace their latitudes that's at least 20 users now if they love their Surface Pro experience it would be dead easy to convince some users to try a WP8 now if you take that to the general public if you MS can convince 10% of current Windows users to try Windows Phone 8 that's a win and that's what needs to be done.

In regards to marketshare. Marketshare is overtime its the bigger picture its better if MS pulls double for every hardware refresh so we all know this year its 4x more than last year so the next HW refresh which I assume will take place Q2 2013 if they can make it from 4x to 8x that's a big win. If they can get 1 WP flagship on top 3 for all carriers that's a win regardless if its 1, 2 or 3 and that's the goal. WP8 will be in 3rd or 4th depending on BB10 success but I don't think MS will give up on mobile.

Worse comes to worse MS will design Win9 with a one OS strategy on all different types of screen sizes.

Well that's it just my thoughts on current events sales etc since a lot of people are so concerned right now and its only November.


Nov 11, 2010
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I'm totally okay with the Wordament thing. It's a bummer seeing people get all doom and gloom about it, simply becuase perception can mean everything in an aggressive business such as mobile, but let's face it - Microsoft is a software company. Software is their bread and butter. They will always try to offer all things to all people, so to speak, because it's that approach that has made them into the megalith they are today. I love WP, and can't wait to see where it goes. I don't think it's going to go the way of webOS. I think it's going to take a long time to get truly recognized as the "third wheel" so to speak in the mobile world, but I think Microsoft is absolutely correct in being as cross-platform as they can.

As far as Instagram goes, I really don't care about it. It's just one more way for people I'd rather forget about from high school or whatever to find me online, lol. I prefer to store my photos on Google Plus, and really just wish that all those filters and options and stuff would be built into every phone to begin with.

Office has a long way to go before it can compete with Google Docs in the online space. Real, expensive, local Office is second to none, but Office on the web isn't even robust enough for my middle-schoolers to do their homework on.

As far as sales go, I think it will improve. You can walk into any Best Buy right now, and you get assaulted with Windows 8, live tiles everywhere you look. New users buying new computers are buying Windows 8 PC's, period - and they will recognize the interface the next time they see a Nokia phone when they head down to Verizon or AT&T to upgrade their plan. It's going to convert users, without a doubt, but I think we will see it slowly build rather than suddenly spike.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Also a couple of reasons why I won't be jumping to another ecosystem any time soon

1. Windows Phone UI pinning what's important you cant do that on iOS, Android and BB10
2. Windows 8 Surface keyboard. Instead of buying a laptop and a tablet Windows 8 and Surface make both experiences happen on 1 device.
3. Nokia customer care is on another level

Laura Knotek

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Mar 31, 2012
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WP8 will depend on the success of Surface Pro if the Surface Pro flops MS is in trouble what I mean by flop is that it doesn't deliver an excellent end user experience OOB I don't want something slow, heating up or randomly restarting the Surface Pro must be near perfection because a lot of eyes are on this device.
I would not necessarily consider Surface Pro that important. I would place Windows 8 x86 tablets in the category, not just Surface Pro. Surface Pro does not interest me. However, I do plan to get an ultrabook, probably from Lenovo, that has a touchpad. The Thinkpad Twist looks nice to me. I believe the OEMs' offerings are as important to the success of Windows 8 as is Surface Pro.


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Aug 6, 2012
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A lot of controversial moves are being made lately some good for the platform some bad all depends on peoples point of view. So I just wanted to share some thoughts on current events and if it makes or breaks our ecosystem.


Wordament is a popular game on WP7/8 but lets be real it's not a phone seller people aren't going to buy WP's because of Wordament. I know exclusivity is a big thing especially in the gaming world but in the gaming world exclusives are advertised on TV, posters etc you're not going to see Wordament advertised at your local subway station it's not going to happen MS isn't going to spend top dollar advertising small WP8 games. Exclusives are pointless if their not being advertised simple as that.

Xbox Live is a paid service you have tons of Xbox Live users on iOS and Android they deserve to get some sort of support but what MS should do is make Xbox Live Gold free if you have a registered WP8, Win8 registered device.


Instagram should be coming to Windows Phone's soon its too big to ignore and MS knows that but here's the thing I don't want the same Instagram app iPhone and Android users have. IOS is built on apps, Android is built on features, WP is built on experiences. Instagram, Facebook and other key major apps should be different on WP compared to its iPhone and Android counterparts. What I mean by that is I want to see an Instagram app use all of WP8, Win8 API's and maybe even have an Xbox companion app to go along with it.

An app that fully utilizes the WP8, WIN8 API will provide a way better, fresher experience like thing about pinning sub live tiles of people you follow, or dynamic Instagram lock screens, or instance Facebook video calls via Skype those little experiences is what can take the Windows ecosystem to the next level. Hopefully that's what MS is visioning a separate Instagram experience specifically for Windows Phone, Windows 8, Xbox 360 that's why the app is taking so long.


Office will be on IOS it's just to big of a platform to ignore but here is the kicker you have to pay 100$ yearly to edit Office documents while WP8 and Windows 8 RT users get Office for free. If you want Office an your iPhone 4S/5 your literally paying 300$ to get office while you can buy an HTC 8S or Lumia 620 for 0$ and get Office for free and that's a big advantage for Windows users. So Office on another platform is not so bad it makes money for MS and if advertised right it can point people towards Windows Phone's and RT devices because its free. Office is isn't cheap.

WP8/Win8 sales

If MS sells 100 million Windows 8 devices and if 10% of those users decide to move and try a WP8 that's 10 million WP8 sales. WP8 sales will come through the success of Windows 8, Surface Pro and Xbox 720. WP8 will depend on the success of Surface Pro if the Surface Pro flops MS is in trouble what I mean by flop is that it doesn't deliver an excellent end user experience OOB I don't want something slow, heating up or randomly restarting the Surface Pro must be near perfection because a lot of eyes are on this device.

For example my entire head of department leaders want Surface Pro's to replace their latitudes that's at least 20 users now if they love their Surface Pro experience it would be dead easy to convince some users to try a WP8 now if you take that to the general public if you MS can convince 10% of current Windows users to try Windows Phone 8 that's a win and that's what needs to be done.

In regards to marketshare. Marketshare is overtime its the bigger picture its better if MS pulls double for every hardware refresh so we all know this year its 4x more than last year so the next HW refresh which I assume will take place Q2 2013 if they can make it from 4x to 8x that's a big win. If they can get 1 WP flagship on top 3 for all carriers that's a win regardless if its 1, 2 or 3 and that's the goal. WP8 will be in 3rd or 4th depending on BB10 success but I don't think MS will give up on mobile.

Worse comes to worse MS will design Win9 with a one OS strategy on all different types of screen sizes.

Well that's it just my thoughts on current events sales etc since a lot of people are so concerned right now and its only November.

We are a week away from January. :confused:


Nov 11, 2010
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Same - unless it really takes off (which I doubt, as it will be pricey) I think of it more as a showcase product than a cornerstone.


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Oct 12, 2011
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Same - unless it really takes off (which I doubt, as it will be pricey) I think of it more as a showcase product than a cornerstone.

Surface Pro is not pricey at all. Say if you wanted a MBA and iPad that's 1700$ Surface Pro is 1100$ 128GB with Keyboard.


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Oct 12, 2011
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I would not necessarily consider Surface Pro that important. I would place Windows 8 x86 tablets in the category, not just Surface Pro. Surface Pro does not interest me. However, I do plan to get an ultrabook, probably from Lenovo, that has a touchpad. The Thinkpad Twist looks nice to me. I believe the OEMs' offerings are as important to the success of Windows 8 as is Surface Pro.

It's very important this is the device a lot of people are waiting for especially in corporate. It's the doors to the MS ecosystem if it flops then its not a good sign. Competition is too good right now.


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Nov 13, 2012
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The Surface and the Surface Pro aren't really meant for corporate users imho. I work for a company with 40K+ employees and we've already standardized on the iPad for tablet type connectivity and even have custom apps for it. We use Dell laptops which are just now starting to run Windows 7, yes Windows 7, from XP. They have no plans on ever running Windows 8 or supporting the Surface the way they do the iPad. Many other large companies are in the same boat.


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Dec 10, 2012
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Also a couple of reasons why I won't be jumping to another ecosystem any time soon

1. Windows Phone UI pinning what's important you cant do that on iOS, Android and BB10
2. Windows 8 Surface keyboard. Instead of buying a laptop and a tablet Windows 8 and Surface make both experiences happen on 1 device.
3. Nokia customer care is on another level

regarding issue #1. sorry but with android you can pin interactive or static widgets. these live tiles are cool but they only show info. most of them can only be refreshed every 30 min.


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Dec 30, 2010
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The Surface and the Surface Pro aren't really meant for corporate users imho. I work for a company with 40K+ employees and we've already standardized on the iPad for tablet type connectivity and even have custom apps for it. We use Dell laptops which are just now starting to run Windows 7, yes Windows 7, from XP. They have no plans on ever running Windows 8 or supporting the Surface the way they do the iPad. Many other large companies are in the same boat.

Surface Pro not for corporate users? It's an ultrabook that can run desktop apps.

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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It's very important this is the device a lot of people are waiting for especially in corporate. It's the doors to the MS ecosystem if it flops then its not a good sign. Competition is too good right now.
Many corporations are just upgrading from XP to 7. Those enterprises will not be adopting Win8 any time soon, Surface Pro or otherwise.


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Nov 14, 2008
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The reality of the situation today is Windows Phone is not competitive, making it less so is not how you get it to grow. Giving parity to competitors products takes away an advantage for your company's own products and raises the question why anyone would buy your product. This wont be the case for everyone but if we were honest we would admit it would apply to the vast majority. After all the marketshare numbers are clear for anyone to see. Bottom line with all the apps and features that WP lacks I don't see giving away its unique features doing anything to help the platform grow. However with Microsoft now stating they are now focusing on being a services and devices company maybe WP growth is not their primary goal anymore. And maybe we should let go of the platform as they seem to be doing.


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Dec 30, 2010
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Many corporations are just upgrading from XP to 7. Those enterprises will not be adopting Win8 any time soon, Surface Pro or otherwise.

Many won't, but many will.

As you just said, many of those slow moving businesses are just barely moving to Windows 7. By were people going around saying that Windows 7 wasn't built for business when it was released?

Why is there a different standard now for Windows 8?

For companies that are more agile, Windows 8, and products like Surface Pro are excellent solutions.


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Dec 30, 2010
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The reality of the situation today is Windows Phone is not competitive, making it less so is not how you get it to grow. Giving parity to competitors products takes away an advantage for your company's own products and raises the question why anyone would buy your product. This wont be the case for everyone but if we were honest we would admit it would apply to the vast majority. After all the marketshare numbers are clear for anyone to see. Bottom line with all the apps and features that WP lacks I don't see giving away its unique features doing anything to help the platform grow. However with Microsoft now stating they are now focusing on being a services and devices company maybe WP growth is not their primary goal anymore. And maybe we should let go of the platform as they seem to be doing.

It depends on what you deem to be your product's main selling points.

WP is about the OS and a different way of having information accessed by the user.

I'm curious how you have jumped to the conclusion that MS is letting go of the platform. It takes quite a bit of negative assumptions in order to navigate yourself to that conclusion.


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Feb 3, 2012
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Not sure why this uproar fro wordament going on other platforms, wordament is not a game changer for the platform.

Office probably is, but that looks like its going to ios as well which i dont understand.


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Nov 12, 2012
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sorry but with android you can pin interactive or static widgets.

Widgets are as different from live tiles as live tiles are from icons. Widgets are more like... IE 4.0 Active Desktop elements from way back in the day than anything else. You *might* get away with saying that live tiles are a cross between widgets and icons, but that's a stretch.


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Nov 13, 2012
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I wish MS would work on Office for WP8 before they go ahead and build an iOS version. Some of the paid apps available already for iOS like Quickoffice are much better than the Office apps on WP8. My fear is they will end up making a version of Office for iOS which surpasses the functionality of the WP version...


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Sep 6, 2011
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Not sure why this uproar fro wordament going on other platforms, wordament is not a game changer for the platform.

Office probably is, but that looks like its going to ios as well which i dont understand.

For the same reason Microsoft has Office for Mac. They want to sell it to everyone. And with ios you're not talking about 7% of the market anymore. 100$/year from millions of users is worth it to them.
WP will still have the best solution, that's what they said.

The only way office doesn't show up on ios is if Apple insists on taking 30% of that 100$

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