Well, after dealing with my band falling apart for over a year now and Microsoft being unwilling to issue a replacement even though it was still within warranty when I made my first request, it finally bit the dust today. I pulled down on my sleeve to check a message and as I did, the screen came away. Now it won't stay in place. The rubbery coating over the battery covers peeled off a long time ago. One of the threaded inserts for the screws for each cover has pulled loose and is no longer secured. The charge port has significant corrosion on it. The area around the sensor has also been worn away and is pitted. I'm done with it and it's time to move on to something else.
I'm leaning towards a Garmin. I've said it before on here, I want a watch that looks like a watch. Fitbit just doesn't offer that. I'm heavily considering the Fenix 5 or the 5S with a sapphire face. I have slender wrists, so while I would love the maps and all the features that go with it like Round-trip Run and Ride, the 5X is just too big for me. I haven't heard anything about release other than Q1 2017, which is quickly running out. Given the recent demise of my Band, I'm hoping it's sooner rather than later. I feel naked without my watch.
I'm leaning towards a Garmin. I've said it before on here, I want a watch that looks like a watch. Fitbit just doesn't offer that. I'm heavily considering the Fenix 5 or the 5S with a sapphire face. I have slender wrists, so while I would love the maps and all the features that go with it like Round-trip Run and Ride, the 5X is just too big for me. I haven't heard anything about release other than Q1 2017, which is quickly running out. Given the recent demise of my Band, I'm hoping it's sooner rather than later. I feel naked without my watch.