TMobile has Officially Declared War on Sprint


New member
Dec 22, 2010
If there is one thing I love Sprint for it is the unlimited calls, texts and data at the industry lowest prices for family plans...until now.

TMobile is now offering possibly one of the best deals ever for smartphone users on a family plan. $49.99 for unlimited calling, texts, and up to 2GB of data.

I've always felt Sprint was holding out in showing the love to Windows Phone and if the rumors are true that the Titan is going to T-Mobile this is a great opportunity for those of us stuck with Sprint's (formerly) industry best price plans to make the switch and be none the poorer for it.

Unlimited Family Plans | Best Plan Ever | T-Mobile

Edit: Apparently this deal has been going since the beginning of August. Since I haven't seen this posted here and because it is easily the best deal out there now for family lines it's worth a mention.

Edit II: And apparently these plans do not include a smartphone and you have to bundle in an additional monthly fee of $15 per line if you want, say, the Titan.

After all the fine print, this basically looks like a good deal for those buying a phone off-contract but otherwise there are way too many hoops to jump through for TMobile to compete with Sprint. Sorry for the false alarm.
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I wish all the carriers had a plan like this. $50 seems like a fair price to pay for a phone. I'm closer to $80 a month right now and it'd be even higher if I didn't get a discount.
I hope the government manages to block the At&t takeover of T-Mobile... If not they need some serious concessions (like accepting net neautrality and not charging for tethering).
I hope the government manages to block the At&t takeover of T-Mobile... If not they need some serious concessions (like accepting net neautrality and not charging for tethering).

How about just straight up metering across all of their products? (like $5 / GB) No matter where the data is coming from.
the tmobile , at&t merger is a good thing for those of us who have contracts with them... our services with only get better along with better signal strength. this merger would make them the number one carrier passing up verizon.

and the 49.99 monthy plan is a good deal but there are some details not advertised. for example it is only 2gb of data. throttled after that. it is for new customers only, and with this plan there are no future discounts on any phone upgrades, everything is full price. so if you are someone who looks forward to that new phone every two years, you wouldnt with that plan.
youre ********, the hd7 is easily the best wp7 device out right now
The best device hands down is the Focus. HTC didn't even bother fixing the camera issues that the HD2 had. In my opinion, the HD7 is only got more recognition because the HD2 was relatively popular

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