Looking to replace Samsung SCH-i760?s on VZW.
I know the Verizon version of the Touch Pro has issues, but was wondering if those with experience with this version of the device could provide some input.
I?ve read everything I can find and realize the Sprint and ATT versions have more memory and a different keyboard. However, I can?t find a good review of the VZW version.
Our company does not want to change carriers at this time, however we would like to update the devices and this seems like the best candidate.
Thanks for your help.
the big red version has some issues and does not
I know the Verizon version of the Touch Pro has issues, but was wondering if those with experience with this version of the device could provide some input.
I?ve read everything I can find and realize the Sprint and ATT versions have more memory and a different keyboard. However, I can?t find a good review of the VZW version.
Our company does not want to change carriers at this time, however we would like to update the devices and this seems like the best candidate.
Thanks for your help.
the big red version has some issues and does not