Touch sensitivity lost after every 5 seconds and work after only lock-unlock

Anurag Bishnoi

New member
Sep 12, 2013
Hi Nokia Lumia Team,

I have purchased this phone just 20 Days before i am facing issue which are very irritating.
1. It lost its touch many time and it happens after 5-10 sec after you unlock the phone. To make it work again, i have to lock the phone then unlock it which is time consuming if you are in middle of something crucial.
2. Sometime buttons like in keyboard, presses themselves and different buttons blink abruptly and then touch doesn't work then again same lock unlock exercise.
3. Today when i was listening songs and phone was on vibration only mode, a call comes and music didnt stop....ideally music should be stopped and it should vibrate.

Are all these software issue or hardware issues. Please let me know how to get rid of all these problems.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
I've had similar issues.

1) it seems that the phone takes time to wake up on the lock screen
3) another related thing I often get is when you receive a call while listening to music in headphones (also on vibrate). Answer call, pull out headphones, then when the call ends, the music restarts through the loud speaker!
I am agree with your last point....but if there are just head phone other then nokia provided...if you are using headphone came in Nokia Box, This issue wont be there !!!
Let me know if i am correct !!!
Which memory card are you using?
Try using the phone after removing the memory card and doing a soft reset
I am using 32 GB SD card ...Can you tell me how to do Soft its different from Hard Rest (From Settings-> About Phone -> Phone Reset)
I am using 32 GB SD card ...Can you tell me how to do Soft its different from Hard Rest (From Settings-> About Phone -> Phone Reset)

press and hold the lower vol button and the power button together for 10-15 secs. Phone will vibrate and restart
Hi Anurag, did you solve your phone's issue?

I'm also facing same problem. I don't have any extra SD card inserted.

The problem started after installing AMBER update and it occurs frequently. When I press the unlock button, the wallpaper takes very long time to slide up and then the home screen doesn't respond at all. After few mins, phone starts working properly.
As you guys suggested, I did everything. But it still freezes sometime. And now unlock screen also started to freeze (New One !!!).
Nokia Care people reset and updated it but still it has the problems.
On other forums i have seen people have similar problems so i think its the universal Hardware or Software problems.
Is there any consistency with background apps that you have open at the same time maybe? I started wondering whether it was the Facebook beta app being open in the background. Although it's probably related to the phone recovering memory after being in a 'sleep' state.
I am used to close the app first then start a new one as i know its has just 512 MB RAM (This phone deserve 1GB at least). Still it freezes very frequently which put me on shame sometime that why did i buy LUMIA?? And there is another issue i am facing which i didn't mention; Whenever i write (sms/facebook post/ search string) anything; some letter typed themselves without any key pressed like someone else remotely typing.
I don't know this is hardware or software issue. I am not using any SD CARD due to virus-fear. Reset completely and store music and pics in Phone memory only.
Now i don't know what the hell should i do.
now this issue is irritating me. Phone randomly freezes :(

someone call's and damn, I cannot pick up the phone... its freezed :(

Did anyone ask Nokia abt the issue?
Yes i did... They just update ...even didnt explain whats the problem. My phone also get freez whenever i open it ...sometime calls also, m not able to pick it up.
Phone is updated/reset many time....i tried all other options also like touch sensitivity to normal, OFF to NFC feature..still this issue persists !!!!
Hi Red_John,

As i analyzed the issue...I just unlink the FACEBOOK account from setting -> email+accounts and If you have Facebook APP installed from MICROSOFT CORP...Uninstall it.
Beleve me it will work fine...let me know if it works.
I think its not gonna solve by the given setting options...Its a universal problem and i am used to think now that i m trapped in for this phone.
Its expansive so cant buy new or exchange !!!:angry::angry::angry::unhappysweat::unhappysweat::unhappysweat:

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