tough cases for the TITAN?


New member
Nov 21, 2011
I will be picking this phone up on the black Friday sale deal. I have been shopping for cases and found nothing "tough".

I contacted otterbox,trident and ballistic and no one is making a case for it. What I'm wanting to know is, are any of you current TITAN owners interested in calling or posting on the case manufacturers Facebook and Twitter pages to try and get us a tough case made?

Thanks for your time,

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You hit the big three in dependable cases. i am surprised Otterbox hasn't made more WP7 cases.
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Otterbox needs some motivation from current and future TITAN owners.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
Yeah, this is kinda a big deal for me. I like to put a case on my phones as soon as I get them & the current crop for the Titan are all pretty much generic garbage on eBay. Would love a tough case or otter box.
We need to flood these case manufactures with posts on social media web pages and phone calls!

TITAN owners(and potential owners) unite!!!!!

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
TITAN owners unite!!!!! Lets hound otterbox till we get a case. Show them how well the TITAN is selling, post on Facebook,Twitter,call and email till we get something.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
Just got mine too, how did you get the 35% off??

I'm not sure what to make of it yet... Its well made and looks to offer a lot of protection, but it is about 1/8 inch thick and adds some bulk to the phone. :/

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express

I ordered the same case when I ordered my phone. I got them both today and yes the case makes the phone feel almost too large now. Without the case it felt just right. The wife got the same case for her Focus S and the added bulk makes the focus S fell just right.
Yeah, thinking of maybe returning it and getting the barely there case from Expansys instead. It won't give as much protection, but looks to add minimal bulk. I'll try the tough case for a couple of days longer though, might grow on me.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I think that the Casemate feels just right on my Titan, considering I drop my phone sometimes

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I have no plans on getting a case for my Titan. the way I see it, it has a built-in case and if it ever gets banged up badly enough, I'll just order a replacement backing (maybe one of those darker ones from Europe).
I've had my Titan a couple weeks now and have yet to drop it (knock on wood) hopefully I can continue the trend.

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